Forum FAQ - Beginner’s guide

Beginner’s guide to UiPath Forum

First and foremost - welcome to our UiPath Forum! :slight_smile: We are happy to have you here!
If you feel like it, please tell us a bit about yourself and what brings you here in this topic.

If you are busy, please go directly to our quick start guide :arrow_down:

If you want to dig deeper into our UiPath Forum culture, check these Forum FAQs:

Quick Start

Our values:

  1. Be friendly
  2. Be helpful
  3. Be considerate

About new topics:

Note: Do not post any sensitive / personal information (or any files that contain it).

Note: Please do not discuss questions related to UiPath Certified Professional exams as it is a security policy violation.

If you want to create a new topic, please follow these simple steps:

1. Search first

Please go here :mag: and try a few different phrases that describe your issue. You can add status:solved after your phrase to look for topics that contain a post marked as a solution and wrap your search term in two quotation marks "search phrase" to search for the exact words.

For error messages, this can be a life saver


2. Post your topic in the relevant category

For more details, see our category guide here.
If you have doubts, always post in one of the Help sub-categories (the new topic wizard available on the front page should help you out).

You can select your category while creating a new topic

3. Give your topic a clear title and a clear description

Good title should answer two simple questions:
What is happening? and When is it happening?

Click to see an example

Good topic description should give context to the topic title.
If you happen to have some issues with UiPath Software, you should try to provide all the information from this topic.

In every case, a lot of information facilitates fast and accurate answers.

4. Tag your topic with relevant tags

For more details, see our tagging guide.
If you have doubts, leave the tags empty and someone more experienced might help you out later.

You can add your tags like that while creating a new topic

If you still want to learn more, feel free to check out our old guide written by one of the founding fathers of this Forum @andrzej.kniola here.

And that’s it, happy learning!

Who doesn’t like a capybara?


A post was split to a new topic: RPA governance model sample

A post was split to a new topic: How to select specific dropdown element

A post was split to a new topic: What are the job perspectives of a beginner’s RPA developer?

A post was split to a new topic: What are first steps to learn UiPath

A post was split to a new topic: Need help on how to convert excel to pdf for payslip project please

A post was merged into an existing topic: Welcome to our Forum! Please introduce yourself to our Community :slight_smile:

2 posts were split to a new topic: Select Country: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector:

A post was split to a new topic: I need some study material where all the activities of the uipath are mentioned and exactly describing where these activities can be used and where cannot

A post was split to a new topic: Is there any way to use other than excel in UI PATH Studio. Am using WPS spreadsheet it is not gone to the application

thanks a lot for the great guideline
Trying to learn UIPath . Finished few certifications and trying to learn more :slight_smile:


A post was split to a new topic: Will this course be available after completion of 4 Weeks?

Thanks for these exhaustive guidelines to follow. I am sure this will help the new comers.


It’s help a lot :hugs:


A post was split to a new topic: I have prepare a bot in sending Email but some error the bot is not working correctly

The new guidelines are really great. Thanks for putting all your effort into it.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Only last image text stored in notepad file but i want all images text using uipath tool


I am facing one problem in 20.4 version that is, I created test cases and ran successfully in one machine and browser is chrome 70 version and i copied same files to import in another machine with same studio version and browser version but it’s throwing error like Ui Element corresponding selector is not found while running in second machine. So how to resolve this and this error should not occurred like this for testing the web app. Please anyone give me the solution.