Select Country: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector:

I am going to select the countries from the drop down list, but it shows me that error message.

Select Country: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector:

I think element is different that i am using, please help me out what is the solution?

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Hi @Hamza_Abbasi

Could you provide accessible link to your page the drop down list is displayed,
I think it will be useful for anyone to help you.

@Hamza_Abbasi - welcome to community…
can you share the screenshot the issue… along with the dropdown selector …

Drop down Screenshot.

Drop down list. I want to select the country from the list.

<html app='chrome.exe' title='FICOHSA EXPRESS' /><webctrl aaname=' Send Money ' parentid='myCarousel' tag='BUTTON' />",