Forum Daily Reports Automation - feedback topic

In this topic you can provide ‌feedback about the Forum Daily Reports automation that gives a shout-out to different Forum ‌activities from the last 24 hours:

Feel free to let us know if you like it!

Also, don’t forget to drop some ideas on different items that should be included in the report, we will look into it!


Hey @loginerror

We may add few items with the links to open that section:

  1. Number of post created
  2. Number of post that are closed (by having one reply marked as solution)
  3. Number of Post yet to be close (there are replies but none is marked as solution)
  4. Number of Post with no reply yet

This is to make members aware that we should be responsible to close the thread too.

May be the User, with post having many replies and no solution marked can be sent an automated message to confirm if they got the solution and if yes, please mark a reply as solution.

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Hi @rahulsharma

Thank you a lot for the feedback here, we will look into the possibilities! :slight_smile:

As to this though:

We actually already have a small automation that runs each day and reminds the users whose topics are 7 days old to have a look and mark solutions whenever applicable.


The counting in the daily reports seems to have a bug.
See below the report I got tagged in from yesterday.
It states I have am a top poster in both liked solutions and liked comments with 1 in each.
These are different posts in different topics. also got a shoutout for 1 liked comment and 1 liked solution, however his is the same post for both the comment and solution.

This is illogical, surely I got 2 liked posts (if you included my liked post and my liked solution) and 1 liked solution or only got 1 liked solution (if liked solutions are not counted in liked posts as mine seems to not be).

Minor issue but something I thought was interesting. Since the number of likes can be quite low correcting it might make it abit more representative and boost someone from 1 to 2 or 3.

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Hey @Jon_Smith

Thanks for the feedback. The low amount of likes is indeed making it difficult, but I found a way to sort it out (for now).

Discourse has an automatic post score that is calculated for each post.

So I’ve added an extra sort by the value of the post score to both queries for most liked posts and most liked solutions and now it has something to fall back on if the number of likes is the same. The queries are then fetched by the process that does the actual posting, and this way I didn’t have to touch the actual process just yet.

The two queries are separate, which also explains why the same post can appear twice for both outputs. I will think about how to approach it if you think the above quick fix is not enough.

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I don’t mind either way, I just noticed it and thought I should report the minor bug so fix it however you see fit :slight_smile: