Forum Engagement Daily Reports

Daily Forum Report | 22 October 2021

Top 3 Topics with Most Views

Stuck on Send SMTP mail Message Activity made by @jackyaa1 with 42 views.

Alternatives to DU made by @sacad with 39 views.

RPA associate practice test in Japanese No 25 answer is incorrect made by @Sidney with 31 views.

Top 3 Topics with Most Replies

I have a CSV file. I need to insert a new column at the beginning with the file name in it made by @Aravinda_Gangaram with 23 replies.

How to remove Duplicate row Based on "person number" from Two different data table While looping through made by @Vincent_Nuestro with 17 replies.

Alternatives to DU made by @sacad with 11 replies.

Top 3 Users Who Posted The Most

@rahulsharma made 32 posts!

@lakshman made 24 posts!

@Yoichi made 20 posts!

Top 3 Most Liked Posts

This post made by @sonaliaggarwal47 received 2 likes!

This post made by @Yoichi received 2 likes!

This post made by @Palaniyappan received 2 likes!

Top 3 Most Liked Solutions

This solution provided by @Yoichi received 2 likes!

This solution provided by @ppr received 1 likes!

This solution provided by @c.ciprian received 1 likes!

That’s it for now, see you tomorrow for a new report!

Don’t forget to share ideas for other fun stuff we should add to the reports here.