Forum Engagement Daily Reports

Daily Forum Report | 27 June 2023

Top 3 Topics with Most Views

Studio Web is now available for all enterprise customers made by @Magdalena_Neagu with 147 views.

Dev Dives: Unleash the full potential of your automations with Generative AI made by @zell12 with 78 views.

【新規】UiPath Studio Web ガイドの人間翻訳版公開のお知らせ (2023 年 06 月 14 日更新確認分) made by @Akiyo_Yamada with 47 views.

Top 3 Topics with Most Replies

Tristate変数の変数パネルでの定義方法 made by @gorby with 18 replies.

How to total rows present in a excel sheet? made by @ujjwal.bansal with 16 replies.

API Integration With Http Request using Datasetkey made by @Shyam_Pragash with 14 replies.

Top 3 Users Who Posted The Most

@Anil_G made 48 posts!

@Yoichi made 44 posts!

@Irene made 24 posts!

Top 3 Most Liked Posts

This post made by @Magdalena_Neagu received 4 likes!

This post made by @zell12 received 3 likes!

This post made by @Anil_G received 2 likes!

Top 3 Most Liked Solutions

This solution provided by @marian.platonov received 1 likes!

This solution provided by @irahmat received 1 likes!

This solution provided by @Yoichi received 1 likes!

That’s it for now, see you tomorrow for a new report!

Don’t forget to share ideas for other fun stuff we should add to the reports here.