Forum Engagement Daily Reports

Daily Forum Report | 02 September 2023

Top 3 Topics with Most Views

Read CSV Activity made by @KuruvaJayaPrakash with 33 views.

How can I delete rows in an excel file if for example column A is empty made by @goncalo.rocha with 32 views.

Extract the filenames from a folder and save them in Excel or Notepad made by @jharmel.carmona with 29 views.

Top 3 Topics with Most Replies

Match DT data with other DT and get the email address made by @Sathish_Kumar_S with 18 replies.

Extract the filenames from a folder and save them in Excel or Notepad made by @jharmel.carmona with 10 replies.

How to convert a string to a mail message made by @P-A-J with 9 replies.

Top 3 Users Who Posted The Most

@Palaniyappan made 14 posts!

@Anil_G made 12 posts!

@postwick made 11 posts!

Top 3 Most Liked Posts

This post made by @takashi_hashimoto received 2 likes!

This post made by @takashi_hashimoto received 2 likes!

This post made by @Yoichi received 1 likes!

Top 3 Most Liked Solutions

No solutions received a like yesterday :disappointed:
Please like some solutions to fill this space :white_check_mark: :heart:.

That’s it for now, see you tomorrow for a new report!

Don’t forget to share ideas for other fun stuff we should add to the reports here.