Forum Engagement Daily Reports

Daily Forum Report | 25 November 2021

Top 3 Topics with Most Views

Selector Validation Issue on "Type Into" Activity made by @zain.abideen with 42 views.

From .toArray toString made by @NHoe with 35 views.

データスクレイピングで3ページ分のデータを取得したい made by @k1120 with 33 views.

Top 3 Topics with Most Replies

Read Range in Flowchart made by @NHoe with 18 replies.

Looping through excel as variable to perform web task made by @Jonathan_J with 16 replies.

Selector Validation Issue on "Type Into" Activity made by @zain.abideen with 15 replies.

Top 3 Users Who Posted The Most

@ppr made 28 posts!

@kirankumar.mahanthi1 made 22 posts!

@Cristian_Negulescu made 22 posts!

Top 3 Most Liked Posts

This post made by @jeevith received 5 likes!

This post made by @ptrobot received 3 likes!

This post made by @nerlichman received 2 likes!

Top 3 Most Liked Solutions

This solution provided by @ptrobot received 3 likes!

This solution provided by @Srini84 received 2 likes!

This solution provided by @Steven_McKeering received 1 likes!

That’s it for now, see you tomorrow for a new report!

Don’t forget to share ideas for other fun stuff we should add to the reports here.