I have successfully uploaded the BalaReva XL Activities in UiPath Go.
This package contains 36 custom activities. It is related to the Workbook, worksheet and sheet data. It helps and simplifies more processes into the excel file. All components can be configured very user friendly.
Pie Chart - Using these activities you can able to generate the Pie Chart
Column Chart - Using these activities you can able to generate the Column Chart
Line Chart - Using these activities you can able to generate the Line Chart
Bar Chart - Using these activities you can able to generate the Bar Chart
Add Comment - Add the comment in specific cell
Get Comment - Read the comment for the cell
Delete Comment - Delete the comment in the cell
Show/Hide Comment - Show or hide the comment
Copy Data to Clipboard - Copy the data to clipboard
Clipboard To Datatable - Convert the clipboard data to data table
Delete Data - Delete or clear the cell
Hide / Unhide Column - Hide or unhide the columns
Hide / Unhide Row - Hide or unhide the rows
Merge Cells - Using this activity can merge cell range
Features : with VerticalAlignment and HorizontalAlignment Selection
Right , Left , Justify , Distributed ,Center ,General ,Fill,CenterAcrossSelection
UnMerge Cells - Using this activity can unmerge cell range
Features : with VerticalAlignment and HorizontalAlignment Selection
Right , Left , Justify , Distributed ,Center ,General ,Fill,CenterAcrossSelection
AutoFit Columns - Auto fit the column and also can adjust column width
AutoFit Rows - Auto fit the row and also can adjust row height
Change Cell Type -Format the numbers in cells
for things like currency, percentages, decimals, dates, phone numbers, or social security numbers.
Copy To File - Copyt work sheet to one file to another file
Delete Sheet- Delete the sheet from workbook
Extract Graph Image - Extract all graph as images (Bmp , Gif , Jpg , Png)
Find Replace- Find and replace text in the cell range
Format Cells- Format the cell or cell range - Alignment
Horizontal alignment - Right , Left , Justify , Distributed ,Center ,General ,Fill,CenterAcrossSelection
Verticle alignment - Top , Justify , Distributed , Center ,Bottom
Text Control - WrapText , ShrinkFit , MergeCells
Text Direction - RightToLeft , LeftToRight , Context
Orientation degrees
HideUnhide - Hide or unhide the sheet in the workbook
Hyperlink Remove - Remove the hyperlink from the cell range
Insert Image - Insert the image in a position (Top ,Left , Height and width )
Insert Image At Cell - Insert the image in a position of cell
Insert Table Format - Insert or create a table with 28 formats
Hi ,
I have included a new activity in the version 19.0.0 called InsertImage at cell. I don’t want to explain it. you can understand the meaning of this activity by the name.
We have checked and we believe we have identified the issue.
First of all, you have submitted a new version of the component, 20.0.0, which has passed all our tests and has been published in Go!. This version is present in Studio, but does not appear as the current version due to its version number.
Since the other component versions have 2019. at the beginning, we kindly recommend to change the version from 20.0.0 to 2019.2.0, to keep the same style as the other version. This way it will appear in Studio as the current version of the component.
I try to upload the version 2019.2.0. But i can not able.When I click the Upload Component. Nothing is happened. please check it. below some screen shot for your reference.