I continue the above thread here due the length of the thread.
Hi Friends,
I have included a new activity called “Find Replace”. Using this activity can find and replace the text into the excel. It has the find option like below
Hi Friends,
I have included some new activity in the package (AutoFitColumns,AutoFitRows,Format Cells).
Now you can get the package here. I have uploaded the package in the UiPath Go. After It is uploaded , I will remove the package from here.
Namespace :
Properties :
Usage of Column Range
Single Column = { “A:A” }
Continuous Columns={“B:D”}
Multiple Columns ={ “A:A”,“D:D”, “E:G” }
Range of Cells ={“A1:D8”}
To set column width
ColumnWidth =specify width value
AutoFit Rows
Properties :
Usage of Row Range :
Rows Range = {1,5,6,8}
To set row height
RowHeight =specify height value
@balupad14: I am using your package for AutoFit Columns; In my scenario, sheet name is dynamic. Is there a way to by-pass the sheet name and only use path of workbook?
I want to use autofit columns for all the tabs of a workbook without giving the sheet name.
Quick ques: any plans to add wrap text (excel) in your package in near future.
In my workbook, after Autofit, the no of chars is more than 255, so getting truncated.
I am using wrap text through Send Hotkeys but would really like to use your package for the same.