Uipath Marketplace ! BalaReva Word Activities

Dear all,
I have uploaded a new package for word automation. I hope it will be very useful to make easy automation. And also very soon you will expect more activities in this package. Now it has the below activities.

Package Search Key Word in manage and package : balareva.word

  • Find Replace - Find and replace the entire document
  • RemoveDisplayLineNumber - Remove the display line number
  • WordStatistics- Obtain WordCount, Total Pages,Total Lines,Total Characters,Total CharactersWithSpaces and Total Paragraphs
  • Insert Table - Insert a new table in the document
  • SetTableValue - Set the value into the table. The table index starts with one
  • DeleteTable - Delete the table. The table index starts with one
  • CopyTable To Clipboard - Copy the table to Clipboard. The table index starts with one
  • WordToPdf - Convert the Word file to PDF
  • Insert TableRows - Insert new rows in the table
  • Insert TableColumns - Insert a new column in the table
  • Delete Columns - Delete specific column
  • Delete Row - Delete specific row
  • Table Info - Get the total rows and columns
  • Change Password - To change/remove the password to the document
  • Create Document - Create a new document
  • Merge Documents - Join/Merge two documents
  • Insert Header Footer- Insert a header/footer with odd, even and first-page text
  • Read Header Footer - Read the header/footer text
  • Remove Header Footer - Remove the header/footer
  • Add page break - Add the page break at the end of the document
  • Paste - Paste the clipboard into the document.
  • Remove Display lineNumber - Remove the display line number
  • Word Statistics - To get the pages to count, words count, characters count, paragraph count, and lines count. It is excluded textboxes, footnote, and endnote.
  • Insert DataTable - Insert a new table with the table style
  • Insert Rows - Insert the rows to the table
  • AutoFit - Autofit Fixed Column/Content/Window
  • Table Count - Get the total table counts in the document.
  • Table Style - Set the table style inside the document
  • Save As - Save the file with different format
    FlatXMLMacroEnabled ,FlatXMLTemplate,FlatXMLTemplateMacroEnabled,
  • Execute Macro - Execute the macro.

Thank you


Dear All,

Here I have attached the sample for read the header and footer text from the word document.

Sample : WordReadHeaderFooter.zip (40.1 KB)

Thank you

Dear all,

Here I have attached the sample that to extract table from word and transfer into the excel.

From word.

To Excel

Input :

Output :

Sample WordTableExtract.zip (1.3 MB)

Thank you


Dear All,

Here I have attached a sample to get the total table count from word

Sample :WordTableCount.zip (149.2 KB)

Thank you


Dear all,

Here i have attached a sample that how to add the datatable into the word application.

Input :

Output :

Sample :WordInsetDataTable.zip (34.5 KB)

Thank you


Dear all,
I have uploaded a video that

  • how to read the data from word table
  • how to copy paste the word table to excel
  • how to convert the word table data to datatable
  • how to resize the excel column width.
  • how to verify the datatable values.

Sample :WordTableExtract.zip (1.3 MB)

Thank you


Dear all,

I have explain that how to insert the datatable into the document and how to to do the Autofit the data table

WordInsetDataTable.zip (45.6 KB)


1 Like

Dear All,

Here I have attached the sample with video for the

  • how to add | insert the header and footer in word using UiPath
  • how to read the header and footer in word using UiPath
  • how to remove | delete the header and footer in word using UiPath

Sample :31_WordHeaderFooter.zip (28.0 KB)

Video :

Thank you


Dear all,

Here I have attached the sample with a video that how to execute the word macro inside UiPath studio.

Sample : WordMacro.zip (37.9 KB)

Video :

Thank you

Dear all,

Here I have attached the video and sample about.

UiPath word password | change password | merge documents | combine documents

In this video tutorial, I have explained that

  • how to set the password to the word document using UiPath
  • how to remove the password to the word document using UiPath
  • how to change the password to the word document using UiPath
  • how to merge the word documents using UiPath
  • how to combine the document using UiPath

Sample : WordCreatePasswordMerge.zip (65.9 KB)

Video :

Thank you

Dear all,

I have attached the vide and sample about .
How to change / set the table style in word document using UiPath studio.

Sample : WordTableStyle.zip (150.5 KB)

Thank you

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@balupad14 : Im facing issue on Delete Table it found error in word activity Kindly advice for the same.

Attached screenshot for your reference

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you have given the invalid table index number…

Thank you

Hello Sir, while rwading header i found like this error kindly help16112075869617556408612454371192

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Hi @Shriharsha_H_N,

Can you please send me a sample word document to test at my side…


For Demo.docx (13.7 KB)

Hello @balupad14 , in this i need to delete 1st Datatable ehich is mentioned Revision History


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Hi @Shriharsha_H_N ,

Here I have attached the workflow to delete the table by index in the word document. Update package version 6.2.1.

WordDeleteTable.zip (58.8 KB)

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Thanks @balupad14 its working now i updated the package

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I am getting the following error when running the sample project WordTableExtract.

RemoteException wrapping System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC 
   at BalaReva.EasyExcel.Base.ExcelActivity.HandleException(Exception ex)
   at BalaReva.EasyExcel.Sheets.PasteClipboard.Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
   at System.Activities.CodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance,
ActivityExecutor executor,
BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
   at System.Activities.ActivityInstance.Execute(ActivityExecutor executor,
BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
   at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor,
BookmarkManager bookmarkManager,
Location resultLocation)

How to fix it.

Hi @Kanchana_Pathirage ,

Have you seen this video?


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