Dear all,
I have uploaded a new package for word automation. I hope it will be very useful to make easy automation. And also very soon you will expect more activities in this package. Now it has the below activities.
Package Search Key Word in manage and package : balareva.word
Find Replace - Find and replace the entire document
RemoveDisplayLineNumber - Remove the display line number
WordStatistics- Obtain WordCount, Total Pages,Total Lines,Total Characters,Total CharactersWithSpaces and Total Paragraphs
Insert Table - Insert a new table in the document
SetTableValue - Set the value into the table. The table index starts with one
DeleteTable - Delete the table. The table index starts with one
CopyTable To Clipboard - Copy the table to Clipboard. The table index starts with one
WordToPdf - Convert the Word file to PDF
Insert TableRows - Insert new rows in the table
Insert TableColumns - Insert a new column in the table
Delete Columns - Delete specific column
Delete Row - Delete specific row
Table Info - Get the total rows and columns
Change Password - To change/remove the password to the document
Create Document - Create a new document
Merge Documents - Join/Merge two documents
Insert Header Footer- Insert a header/footer with odd, even and first-page text
Read Header Footer - Read the header/footer text
Remove Header Footer - Remove the header/footer
Add page break - Add the page break at the end of the document
Paste - Paste the clipboard into the document.
Remove Display lineNumber - Remove the display line number
Word Statistics - To get the pages to count, words count, characters count, paragraph count, and lines count. It is excluded textboxes, footnote, and endnote.
Insert DataTable - Insert a new table with the table style
Insert Rows - Insert the rows to the table
AutoFit - Autofit Fixed Column/Content/Window
Table Count - Get the total table counts in the document.
Table Style - Set the table style inside the document
Save As - Save the file with different format
FlatXMLMacroEnabled ,FlatXMLTemplate,FlatXMLTemplateMacroEnabled,