Uipath Marketplace ! BalaReva Word Activities

Thanks got it working

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Hi @balupad14
I am using add Header Footer from activity of your’s, my header/footer will be dynamic with some HTML formatting(like Bold, etc), when I pass HTML content in the activity(‘insert Header footer’), it does not convert it to HTML content, please can you help with this, also, please may I know how can I add page numbers using your activity?


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If you share a sample, It would be very useful to investigate,

About page number, The new version that I am going to submit in UiPath Market Place. It has the page number activity. (I will send you the package before submitting.)

Thank you

It works! However I have problems when my intention is to only insert footer, but it also removed the header on odd pages.

Here you can see that how to convert (save) word file to pdf file.

Here is the sample.

SavePdf.zip (327.6 KB)

Thank you

Is there a way to do this for each table without me writing the indexes?

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Hello, I followed your Copy word table to excel, to solve the HRESULT: error, but when i need to define in AutoFit Columns, the Column range, i get the error "Argument ‘ColumnsRange’: ; expected Not all code paths return a value in lambda expression of type ‘func’

in Columns range panel i wrote {“A:K”} for reference, and i use a different word document than the one in your tutorial if that information is of any help.

Does running this tutorial in C# rather than VB cause this issue?

Hi @balupad14 ,


I tried using the Word table extraction xaml with my sample PDF and getting below error. Could you please advice as I am stuck here for quite sometime.
Attached is the sample PDF file I am using.
Sample.docx (14.8 KB)


Hi @Rajasekhar ,

I saw the document. where you pointed the things are not table. if is a table. it will the “table design” in the top menu. below i have shown the sample

This is table

This is not a table. No table design in the top menu…


Hi @balupad14 ,

Thanks a lot for your reply .

Understood but when I tried using Get table count activity under balareva activities it was giving me the correct count as 3 tables.

Please note I have used the same sample.

Could you please advice me on how to proceed on this as I am stuck with my automation due to this .Else if you can share any alternate solution which will help on this issue would be appreciated.


Hi Bala,

I’m using your activity package in an automation to copy an excel table and paste it into word, but when it is pasted into word where the point is in the excel spreadsheet it becomes a comma in the word document. How can I solve this problem?

why cannot install this package? because this package seems will help my issue

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Great question. Does anyone know how to do this, please?

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Hi All,
Just wait for 1 week… You will have compatibility version.


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I am running into an issue of the BalaReva Word Application Scope not being able to read a file passed from a variable. Since the bot will read different file names extracted from email attachments, they will be different each time. However, I am getting a System.Runtime.InteropServicesCOMExeception: Sorry we couldn’t find your file error when I run it this way vs hardcoding the file value in. Any suggestions?

Hi! For some reason, the Word activity (add header) is looking for an Excel File. I have only downloaded the Word package. Any idea of what to do?


I am using the Read All Tables activity, and I am receiving the following error:
“The requested member of the collection does not exist.”

I confirmed that my word document contains tables by using the Table Count activity and it returned 121 tables.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Balamurugan,
While working on a UiPath Studio project to remove headers and footers from Word documents in a folder, I encountered an unexpected error: **“Remove Header Footer: Excel File was not found.”

Steps Taken:

  1. Assign Activity: Set a folder path to the Word files.

  2. For Each Loop: Iterate through all .docx files in the folder using: Directory.GetFiles(folderPath, “*.docx”)

  3. Word Application Scope: Open each Word file.

  4. Remove Headers/Footers: Applied the activities to remove headers and footers from each document.

Despite only working with Word files, the error suggests it’s looking for an Excel file, which is irrelevant to the process. This unexpected behavior has led me to contact you.

Kind regards,

Hi ,

I’m getting below error using “Paste clipboard”

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: 0x800A03EC at BalaReva.EasyExcel.Base.ExcelActivity.HandleException(Exception ex)
at BalaReva.EasyExcel.Sheets.PasteClipboard.Execute(CodeActivityContext context)
at System.Activities.CodeActivity.InternalExecute(ActivityInstance instance, ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager)
at System.Activities.Runtime.ActivityExecutor.ExecuteActivityWorkItem.ExecuteBody(ActivityExecutor executor, BookmarkManager bookmarkManager, Location resultLocation)