You got more familiar with StudioX, do you find it easy to use? How would you use the robot you built today?
For any technical question, or to provide feedback, please create a new topic in our Reboot Your Skill category here.
You got more familiar with StudioX, do you find it easy to use? How would you use the robot you built today?
For any technical question, or to provide feedback, please create a new topic in our Reboot Your Skill category here.
7 posts were split to a new topic: I don’t understand this instruction: “A Send Outlook Email action in which details such as the recipient’s email address, Subject, the email message must be entered, as well as your Unicorn Name location!”
4 posts were split to a new topic: I seem to have a problem with sending emails, something to do with accounts: Message: Property accessor ‘Account’ on object ‘UiPath.Mail.Activities.Business.OutlookApplicationCard’ threw the following exception:‘Unable to cast COM object of type
11 posts were split to a new topic: Hello everyone. I have issues with sending emails from outlook. The default account is gmail, IMAP is setup
2 posts were split to a new topic: Hi, I want to get persoanal data from ID with Google Vision but I can not find where client id and client secret are
It worked as expected !!!
It worked for me.
It worded for me. I could send mails from UiPath. Very useful exercise. Tks
3 posts were split to a new topic: Do we have to leave the browser (e.g. unicornname webpage) open for the RPA to run? I got the following error message, “Could not find the user-interface (UI) element for this action”, when I closed the browser
It worked as expected. The user interface is highly intuitive and easy to build tasks. I’m going to keep it up.
2 posts were split to a new topic: Can someone tell me how to send email using gmail account, not outlook?
Worked great! Give me more!
Perfect for me,it works !
A post was merged into an existing topic: Can someone tell me how to send email using gmail account, not outlook?
Work great, was easy enough to follow. I played around with the project and add my wife and kids names and then emailed the lot. Can be used in clearing of incoming invoices from suppliers, performing the 3 way match PO, GR and Invoice before processing the payment automatically.
4 posts were split to a new topic: Work fine to me but after I run again I cant receive the email
Fun 2nd lesson. I enjoyed how it built off of the first, and included a 3rd application (Browser, Excel, and Outlook). Pretty cool to see an email pop up in my inbox from the bot!
Good Exercise for a first time user like myself. I think this can be sued to fill in address on excel sheet from the internet for a specific category of products.