UiPath Programming Languages Integrations Scenarios

The UiPath RPA platform offers many possibilities to realize automation workflows. One aspect is the integration of existing programs created with different programming languages. In this post I would like to pick out exactly this perspective. A kind of backward view of which programming languages can be used seamlessly with UiPath.

The Programming Languages

For the arrangement of the programming languages I followed the current Tiobe index from December 2022 and PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language from December 2022.

I was able to identify eleven different programming languages. Two of them offer a specific version, which I have assigned to the parent category.

Tiobe PYPL Name             Description Package Use Windows x64 Cross-platform Windows x86
1 1 Python Link UiPath.Python.Activities
(Release 1.6.0)
App Invoker > Python > Python Scope X (1) X
4 2 Java Link UiPath.Java.Activities
(Release 1.3.1)
App Invoker > Java > Java Scope X - X
(Version 19)
Link JShell.Activities
(Release 2.1.0)
App Invoker > Java > Invoke Jshell File X X X
5 4 C# Link UiPath.System.Activities Workflow > Invoke > Invoke Code X (1) X
6 21 VB.NET Link UiPath.System.Activities Workflow > Invoke > Invoke Code X (1) X
7 3 JavaScript
(Node.js 16.17.0)
Link NodeJS.Activities
(Release 1.1.0)
App Invoker > NodeJS > Invoke JavaScript File X X X
V8 via ClearScript
Link UiPath.System.Activities Workflow > Invoke > Invoke Code X (1) O
9 N/A Assembler
(flat asm 1.73.30)
Link FASM.Activities
(Release 2.0.1)
App Invoker > Assembler > Compile ASM File X - X
37 N/A PowerShell Link UiPath.System.Activities System > PowerShell > Invoke PowerShell X - X
Core CLI
Link UiPath.System.Activities Workflow > Invoke > Invoke Code X X X
42 22 ABAP Link ABAP.Runner.Activities
(Release 2.0.2)
Programming > SAP > ABAP Install And Run X X
N/A 16 VBA
Link UiPath.Excel.Activities App Integration > Excel > Processing > Invoke VBA X X
N/A N/A AutoIt
Link AutoIt.Activities
(Release 2.0.0)
App Invoker > AutoIt > Invoke AutoIt Script File X - X
N/A N/A VBScript
Link UiPath.System.Activities System > VBScript > Invoke VBScript X - X
X = Available, O = Should be possible and not tested, - = Not available, space = Unknown
(1) Available but does not work

Of the first ten programming languages listed in the Tiobe Index, five can be found in the UiPath palette, and from PopularitY of Programming Languages three. With this range, many existing approaches can certainly be integrated seamlessly into a UiPath automation workflow.

Addendum 02.01.2022: Cross-reference to a technical consideration at the difference between C# and VBdotNET.

Addendum 08.09.2022: Cross-reference to a request about the visibility of the TargetFramework net6.0


Is there a way to include the transaction status from externally running scripts into UiPath’s reporting?

@StefanSchnell How can we use external packages of while using invoke code activity.