Target audience: CoE Leads, RPA Solution Architects and RPA Developers
Reasons to perform such benchmarks in UiPath
- The UiPath forum gets a lot of queries regarding the use of Linq queries to mainpulate datatables. I see many developers have fallen for the myth that Linq queries are more performant than the standard Filter Datatable activity. I started of investigating the two aforementioned techniques, but I did want to share my experience with other tools which can outperform any standard UiPath datatable activity or Linq query. I thank @postwick for taking the lead and starting this discussion way back in 2021, and @ppr for helping us bust the myth.
- We are developers. If we do not adapt and learn new technologies we are redundant. If you or someone you know is looking for the best performing ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) flow, then they have to evaluate new tools to improve their efficiency.
- I started learning Rust and came across Polars crate and how good of a tool it can be for datatable manipulations. The developer of Polars ( Ritchie Vink) wrote about his benchmarking results in this blog and I was sold. I had to try it out.
- @StefanSchnell 's integration tutorial also motivated me to show how new tools can be integrated with UiPath without any prebuild libraries or official integrations. Through this post, I can contribute two more integrations (DuckDB and Rust) in addition to the ones mentioned in his tutorial
- Even if one of you readers gets motivated and uses some of these tools mentioned here, someday it might help reduce a large amount of robot processing time. There is a lot of potential time savings (without compromising maintainability and robustness) by using some of the newer tools in your automations.
- I am starting small. The first version of this benchmark was created during my vacation and on an old laptop on an Intel(R) Coreβ’ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz with a mere 4GB RAM. Therefore, I have chosen the first benchmark to only test a filter transformation. There is no doubt, this test results would be blazing fast on current multi-core processors, specially the tools which take advantage of new high core count CPU architectures.
- I am not advocating against using Linq queries or Filter Datatable activity in UiPath Studio, but I do what the reader to know about newer techniques and allow them to make an informed decision. They (Filter Datatable and Linq queries) are still the easiest to start with as they are fully supported by UiPath, but if you are clearly focused only on performance, then they are not good enough in my view.
- In hindsight, I could have used the Testing Project template, but I started with a Windows Standard project in UiPath and did not wish to change it. However, this has not affected the time measurements made in this benchmark.
- Although the benchmark files to be included (after some weeks of publishing this tutorial) are well thought through, do not use them in any serious automation. They do not contain any error handling capabilities. I will wait for the community feedback before publishing the benchmark xaml files. May be I can even publish them on UiPath Marketplace and make additional tutorials posts on how to integrate each of them in UiPath.
- Csv file as input file is not the newest and best format to test such benchmarks. But since UiPath has out of the box support to read and write csv file, I chose to test on Csv files. Parquet file format is the current go to format in the data science community.
- No PC performance monitoring was carried out when the test ran. So I do not have data on the processor usage and ram utilization. May be a grafana server polling the PC performance may have helped in analyzing this.
Creating the input data
To imitate realistic datatables, I used the Faker library in Python. Faker is a handy module which can create fictive data in a fast and easy way. In this case, I iterate over a list of required rows in a datatable and create them in a for loop. To ensure easy integration with UiPath I chose the csv file format.
Python Code -
from faker import Faker
import pandas as pd
fake = Faker()
NumRows = [10000, 100000, 250000, 500000, 1000000, 2000000]
for num in NumRows:
profileData = [fake.profile() for i in range(num)]
df = pd.DataFrame(profileData)
df.to_csv("{0}_input.csv".format(num), index=False)
print("Saved the file {0}_input.csv".format(num))
print("All dummy data created")
The above code generates the input datatables with row counts of 10000, 100000, 250000, 500000, 1000000, and 2000000. Below is the sample input data used in this benchmark.
Input Data Shape (RowCount * 13 columns)
job | company | ssn | residence | current_location | blood_group | website | username | name | sex | address | birthdate | |
Print production planner | Klein-Caldwell | 424-79-6551 | 252 Davis Forks Apt. 948 | |||||||||
Kelleyhaven, NC 18661 | (Decimal(β-86.2965425β), Decimal(β-41.336330β)) | B+ | [ββ, ββ] | watsonsteven | Kevin Ball | M | 34641 Glenn Oval Suite 696 | |||||
Lake Shellyhaven, ID 68870 | | 2011-08-28 | ||||||||||
Research officer, political party | Benton, Thompson and Powell | 172-32-9022 | 5401 Lewis Ville Apt. 542 | |||||||||
South Brett, MD 72875 | (Decimal(β9.974042β), Decimal(β-179.607076β)) | AB- | [ββ, ββ, ββ, ββ] | tiffanyleonard | Linda Jones | F | 83606 Richardson Spring | |||||
Scottborough, FM 89592 | | 1973-07-06 | ||||||||||
Statistician | Thomas, Carr and Medina | 384-30-9782 | 4213 Connor Street | |||||||||
Petersport, DC 54921 | (Decimal(β-60.1181895β), Decimal(β32.682063β)) | O- | [ββ] | jimmy18 | Manuel Boone | M | 14996 Brad Village | |||||
South Jessicaport, MI 91834 | | 1981-07-14 |
The filter benchmark
The filter condition used in all approaches translates to the same SQL logic. Return rows where the input table column job
has the value 'Social worker'
WHERE job='Social worker';
The Start and Stop timer activities were used to time only the unit under test (ingesting Csv data, transforming it and saving the result to a new file). This way we remain unbiased and objective while testing these approaches. In short, apples to apples comparison.
The execution was performed via the UiPath UiRobot.exe and not run from Studio, this was done to avoid any debugging lags.
C:\Users\%USER%\AppData\Local\Programs\UiPath\Studio\UiRobot.exe execute --file "C:\Users\%USER%\Documents\UiPath\_Nugets\BenchmarkingETLApproachesinUiPath.1.0.3.nupkg" --input "{'in_InputDataFolder':'C:\\Users\\%USER%\\Documents\\UiPath\\InputData'}" --entry "FilterBenchmarker.xaml"
To test repeatability, 3 runs were executed. Lower the bar (greener the bar), the better performant is the approach to filter a datatable.
In total the filter benchmark tests 7 different approaches / tools.
UiPath Filter Datatable activity
Linq Query in an Assign activity
InputData.AsEnumerable.Where(Function(r) r.Item("job").ToString.Equals("Social worker")).CopyToDataTable
Running Python script using Pandas library
import pandas as pd import argparse parser = parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("InputCSVPath", help="The path to the input csv file", type=str) parser.add_argument("OutputCSVPath", help="The path to the output csv file", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() # Read csv df = pd.read_csv(args.InputCSVPath) # Apply filter filtered_df = df[df.job == "Social worker"] # save output csv filtered_df.to_csv(args.OutputCSVPath)
Running Python script using Polars library
import polars as pl import argparse parser = parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("InputCSVPath", help="The path to the input csv file", type=str) parser.add_argument("OutputCSVPath", help="The path to the output csv file", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() # Read csv df = pl.read_csv(file=args.InputCSVPath) # Apply filter filtered_df = df.filter(pl.col("job").str.contains("Social worker")) # save output csv filtered_df.write_csv(file=args.OutputCSVPath)
Running a PowerShell script
Import-Csv -Path 'INPUTFILE' | Where { $_.job -eq 'Social worker'} | Export-Csv -Path 'OUTPUTFILE' -NoTypeInformation
Running the DuckDB executor with using SQL command
Read more about why DuckDB is great for analytic transformationsduckdb.exe -c "CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE TABLENAME AS SELECT * FROM read_csv_auto('FULLFILEPATH'); COPY (SELECT * FROM TABLENAME WHERE job='Social worker') TO 'OUTPUTPATH' (HEADER, DELIMITER ',');"
-c tag tells duckdb.exe to run command directly in CLI without opening a new in-memory database
Running a Rust program using Polars crate
use polars::{prelude::*, lazy::dsl::col}; use std::env; fn main() { // Setting arguments for input and output csv let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect(); let csv_path = &args[1]; let result_path = &args[2]; // Reading csv files into a polars dataframe let df = CsvReader::from_path(csv_path).unwrap().finish().unwrap(); // use the predicate to filter let predicate = col("job").eq(lit("Social worker")); let filtered_df = df .clone() .lazy() .filter(predicate ) .collect() .unwrap(); let mut output = filtered_df; // Writing to a csv file let mut file = std::fs::File::create(result_path).unwrap(); CsvWriter::new(&mut file).finish(&mut output).unwrap(); }
Example command to be used in Start-Process. Remember to use
cargo build --release
orcargo run --release arguments
this will compile the project and then use the release folder to locate the executor (.exe) file see documentation here.C:\Users\%USER%\Documents\RustProjects\data_processer\target\release\data_processer.exe 'C:\Users\%USER%\Documents\UiPath\InputData\2000000_input.csv' 'OUTPUT.csv'
PC Specifications
Specification | Value |
Name | Intel(R) Coreβ’ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz |
NumberOfCores | 2 |
NumberOfLogicalProcessors | 4 |
Architecture | x64 |
CurrentClockSpeed | 1700 |
Availability | RunningOrFullPower |
OsName | Microsoft Windows 10 Home Single Language |
CsPhyicallyInstalledMemory | 4 GB |
Results for a single filter operation
This benchmarking project results in an excel file contain all the runs with different tools. To analyze and plot the results I used Python.
Python Code -
import polars as pl
import pandas as pd
import altair as alt
df = pl.read_excel("FilterBenchmarkResults.xlsx", sheet_name="Results")
# Transforming data and creating new columns
df = df.with_columns([
df = df.with_columns([
# Sorting the data for better readability
df = df.sort(["RowCount","ExecutionTimeSeconds"])
# as altair does not support Polars dataframes converting to pandas dataframe
final_df= df.to_pandas()
# Plotting the results in a altair bar chart
chart = alt.Chart( ).transform_calculate(
x=alt.X('Tool:N', axis=alt.Axis(labelAngle=-45, title=None)),
color=alt.Color('Rank:Q',scale=alt.Scale(scheme="blues", reverse=True)),
text = chart.mark_text(
color = 'black',
dy= -5
text = alt.Text(
format = ',.0f')
fig = alt.layer(chart, text, data=final_df).facet(
Run 1 - benchmark results table
Tool | RowCount | ExecutionTimeSeconds | RowsKept | Rank |
DuckDB | 100000 | 0.863817 | 184 | 1 |
Rust | 100000 | 0.992763 | 184 | 2 |
PythonPolars | 100000 | 1.62365 | 184 | 3 |
FilterDataTable | 100000 | 2.28531 | 184 | 4 |
Linq | 100000 | 2.60637 | 184 | 5 |
PowerShell | 100000 | 6.74261 | 184 | 6 |
PythonPandas | 100000 | 7.11996 | 184 | 7 |
DuckDB | 250000 | 1.37164 | 413 | 1 |
Rust | 250000 | 1.64754 | 413 | 2 |
PythonPolars | 250000 | 2.01796 | 413 | 3 |
PythonPandas | 250000 | 4.97285 | 413 | 4 |
FilterDataTable | 250000 | 7.63237 | 413 | 5 |
Linq | 250000 | 8.04975 | 413 | 6 |
PowerShell | 250000 | 14.5997 | 413 | 7 |
Rust | 500000 | 1.99611 | 762 | 1 |
PythonPolars | 500000 | 2.02914 | 762 | 2 |
DuckDB | 500000 | 2.10029 | 762 | 3 |
PythonPandas | 500000 | 7.38287 | 762 | 4 |
Linq | 500000 | 11.5408 | 762 | 5 |
FilterDataTable | 500000 | 11.6786 | 762 | 6 |
PowerShell | 500000 | 27.767 | 762 | 7 |
Rust | 1000000 | 2.04737 | 1511 | 1 |
PythonPolars | 1000000 | 3.09737 | 1511 | 2 |
DuckDB | 1000000 | 3.74764 | 1511 | 3 |
PythonPandas | 1000000 | 13.0274 | 1511 | 4 |
FilterDataTable | 1000000 | 23.8323 | 1511 | 5 |
Linq | 1000000 | 23.9049 | 1511 | 6 |
PowerShell | 1000000 | 55.9658 | 1511 | 7 |
Rust | 2000000 | 4.59196 | 3126 | 1 |
PythonPolars | 2000000 | 5.40843 | 3126 | 2 |
DuckDB | 2000000 | 7.18215 | 3126 | 3 |
PythonPandas | 2000000 | 25.0529 | 3126 | 4 |
FilterDataTable | 2000000 | 49.568 | 3126 | 5 |
Linq | 2000000 | 57.2253 | 3126 | 6 |
PowerShell | 2000000 | 109.237 | 3126 | 7 |
Run 2 - benchmark results table
Tool | RowCount | ExecutionTimeSeconds | RowsKept | Rank |
DuckDB | 100000 | 0.933689 | 184 | 1 |
Rust | 100000 | 1.17638 | 184 | 2 |
PythonPolars | 100000 | 1.32587 | 184 | 3 |
FilterDataTable | 100000 | 2.0938 | 184 | 4 |
Linq | 100000 | 2.871 | 184 | 5 |
PythonPandas | 100000 | 4.74992 | 184 | 6 |
PowerShell | 100000 | 6.53177 | 184 | 7 |
Rust | 250000 | 1.26209 | 413 | 1 |
PythonPolars | 250000 | 1.70902 | 413 | 2 |
DuckDB | 250000 | 1.73422 | 413 | 3 |
PythonPandas | 250000 | 4.72671 | 413 | 4 |
Linq | 250000 | 5.84544 | 413 | 5 |
FilterDataTable | 250000 | 6.75782 | 413 | 6 |
PowerShell | 250000 | 13.9554 | 413 | 7 |
Rust | 500000 | 1.62974 | 762 | 1 |
PythonPolars | 500000 | 1.92046 | 762 | 2 |
DuckDB | 500000 | 2.87362 | 762 | 3 |
PythonPandas | 500000 | 6.79275 | 762 | 4 |
Linq | 500000 | 10.0704 | 762 | 5 |
FilterDataTable | 500000 | 10.0898 | 762 | 6 |
PowerShell | 500000 | 27.0774 | 762 | 7 |
Rust | 1000000 | 2.7926 | 1511 | 1 |
PythonPolars | 1000000 | 2.90596 | 1511 | 2 |
DuckDB | 1000000 | 4.03603 | 1511 | 3 |
PythonPandas | 1000000 | 12.0829 | 1511 | 4 |
Linq | 1000000 | 21.4446 | 1511 | 5 |
FilterDataTable | 1000000 | 21.8539 | 1511 | 6 |
PowerShell | 1000000 | 55.4838 | 1511 | 7 |
PythonPolars | 2000000 | 4.68916 | 3126 | 1 |
Rust | 2000000 | 5.62342 | 3126 | 2 |
DuckDB | 2000000 | 7.57531 | 3126 | 3 |
PythonPandas | 2000000 | 22.729 | 3126 | 4 |
FilterDataTable | 2000000 | 51.2262 | 3126 | 5 |
Linq | 2000000 | 54.8478 | 3126 | 6 |
PowerShell | 2000000 | 106.559 | 3126 | 7 |
Run 3 - benchmark results table
Tool | RowCount | ExecutionTimeSeconds | RowsKept | Rank |
DuckDB | 100000 | 0.718989 | 184 | 1 |
Rust | 100000 | 1.10113 | 184 | 2 |
PythonPolars | 100000 | 1.37914 | 184 | 3 |
Linq | 100000 | 1.99643 | 184 | 4 |
FilterDataTable | 100000 | 2.00937 | 184 | 5 |
PythonPandas | 100000 | 4.08225 | 184 | 6 |
PowerShell | 100000 | 6.5047 | 184 | 7 |
Rust | 250000 | 1.21478 | 413 | 1 |
DuckDB | 250000 | 1.2367 | 413 | 2 |
PythonPolars | 250000 | 1.74341 | 413 | 3 |
PythonPandas | 250000 | 5.12249 | 413 | 4 |
FilterDataTable | 250000 | 6.97901 | 413 | 5 |
Linq | 250000 | 7.85241 | 413 | 6 |
PowerShell | 250000 | 14.1751 | 413 | 7 |
Rust | 500000 | 1.55787 | 762 | 1 |
PythonPolars | 500000 | 1.88452 | 762 | 2 |
DuckDB | 500000 | 1.88637 | 762 | 3 |
PythonPandas | 500000 | 6.73607 | 762 | 4 |
Linq | 500000 | 9.94437 | 762 | 5 |
FilterDataTable | 500000 | 10.909 | 762 | 6 |
PowerShell | 500000 | 27.1955 | 762 | 7 |
Rust | 1000000 | 2.60658 | 1511 | 1 |
PythonPolars | 1000000 | 3.02078 | 1511 | 2 |
DuckDB | 1000000 | 3.59157 | 1511 | 3 |
PythonPandas | 1000000 | 12.406 | 1511 | 4 |
Linq | 1000000 | 20.9774 | 1511 | 5 |
FilterDataTable | 1000000 | 21.4426 | 1511 | 6 |
PowerShell | 1000000 | 53.9456 | 1511 | 7 |
PythonPolars | 2000000 | 4.94405 | 3126 | 1 |
Rust | 2000000 | 5.35049 | 3126 | 2 |
DuckDB | 2000000 | 8.59179 | 3126 | 3 |
PythonPandas | 2000000 | 26.4206 | 3126 | 4 |
FilterDataTable | 2000000 | 50.3969 | 3126 | 5 |
Linq | 2000000 | 77.3886 | 3126 | 6 |
PowerShell | 2000000 | 107.122 | 3126 | 7 |
Potential gains
The results need to also show us the potential gains when comparing the best and the worst performing tool in the benchmark. To do this I use the Pandas groupby
and pct_group
Python Code - continued from
# Selecting only certain columns
output_table =["Tool","RowCount", "ExecutionTimeSeconds", "RowsKept", "Rank"]).to_pandas()
# Potential gains to be made when comparing to min and max values per group
pct_group = output_table.groupby(['RowCount'])['ExecutionTimeSeconds'].agg(['max','min'])
pct_group['PotentialGainsinPercent'] = ((pct_group['max']-pct_group['min'])/pct_group['max'])*100
pct_group = pct_group.reset_index(level=0)
# Saving as markdown files to attach with tutorial
output_table.to_markdown('', index=False)
# Plotting the results in a altair bar chart
chart = alt.Chart(pct_group).mark_bar().encode(
x=alt.X('PotentialGainsinPercent:Q', axis=alt.Axis(
labelAngle=-45, title="Percentage")),
scale=alt.Scale(scheme=color, reverse=False)),
text = chart.mark_text(
fig = chart + text
Run 1 - Potential Gains in Percent
RowCount | max | min | PotentialGainsinPercent | |
0 | 100000 | 7.11996 | 0.863817 | 87.8677 |
1 | 250000 | 14.5997 | 1.37164 | 90.605 |
2 | 500000 | 27.767 | 1.99611 | 92.8112 |
3 | 1000000 | 55.9658 | 2.04737 | 96.3417 |
4 | 2000000 | 109.237 | 4.59196 | 95.7963 |
Run 2 - Potential Gains in Percent
RowCount | max | min | PotentialGainsinPercent | |
0 | 100000 | 6.53177 | 0.933689 | 85.7054 |
1 | 250000 | 13.9554 | 1.26209 | 90.9562 |
2 | 500000 | 27.0774 | 1.62974 | 93.9812 |
3 | 1000000 | 55.4838 | 2.7926 | 94.9668 |
4 | 2000000 | 106.559 | 4.68916 | 95.5995 |
Run 3 - Potential Gains in Percent
RowCount | max | min | PotentialGainsinPercent | |
0 | 100000 | 6.5047 | 0.718989 | 88.9466 |
1 | 250000 | 14.1751 | 1.21478 | 91.4302 |
2 | 500000 | 27.1955 | 1.55787 | 94.2716 |
3 | 1000000 | 53.9456 | 2.60658 | 95.1681 |
4 | 2000000 | 107.122 | 4.94405 | 95.3846 |
From the results, the three good performing tools (when considering execution time) are
- Complied Rust executor
- DuckDB
- Python script using Polars
Rust executor was plain superior
I did notice that when integrated with UiPath the Rust executor was slower than when the same executor was run via PowerShell. For example, when I run manually from PowerShell the execution time to filter for 2000000 rows was 4.26
, 4.51
and 3.80
seconds for 3 runs, which is lower than the results it achieved when run from Start-Process in UiPath. A possible reason for this could be because Start-Process activity first opens CMD to start PowerShell and then runs the rust executor. This is probably why Rust executor did not dwarf other approaches on all datasets.
Another challenge is that Rust as a language is not as easy to get started compared to say Python. Creating your own custom Rust programs with Polars crate will also add to development time. Imagine translating all the available Datatable activities in UiPath Studio into Rust programs. Performance will be great under runtime, but at the cost of additional development time. Although once created you can use them in all your projects.
On the contrary, DuckDB ran equally well both in stand-alone and when integrated with UiPath. To see Polars in Python performing so well was surprising to say the least. Linq query and FilterDatatable activity were much slower than most of the external tools.
Again, as found in the Myth busting post from @postwick, it is clear from this benchmark that using Linq queries over standard UiPath datatable activities does not improve performance drastically. In fact, on large datatables, standard Filter Datatable activity performed better than Linq query! For smaller datatables, they both are very close when it comes to execution performance.
In all three runs, PowerShell performed the worst out of all the approaches. Do not use PowerShell scripts for any datatable transformations, its slow, very slow!
For large datatables, the best performing approach improved performance by 96% when compared to the slowest approach. This is impactful in the RPA domain where there are millions of robot transactions and each datatable transformation could potentially save over 80% of execution time (given that these results will also replicate on other kinds of transformations).
Tasting my own medicine
If I had to convince my team to change our filtering logic in our automations, I would choose DuckDB for the following reasons
- The easiest of the three to integrate with UiPath (no compiling or virtual environments to worry about)
- We could use our SQL expert in the team to write optimized queries and drastically improve our transformations both documentation wise and performance wise
- The DuckDB executor is tiny, just 24 megabytes and does not need to be packed in the process. It can be downloaded during robot runtime.
- It can be easily updated (new version) by the robot without the need to update the published process
- It provides an option to save database in different formats (parquet as well) on a shared drive if we needed to
Your feedback
Thank for reading this post.
I would like to call on CoE leads, Solution Architects and Developers to analyze their robot utilization. If a large chuck of your robot utilization is due to processing of datatables, then you should definitely evaluate all three approaches on your use cases; Rust executor, DuckDB and Python script using Polars module.
Feel free to provide feedback to improve this benchmark. If there are things I overlooked, I can fix them before I publish the xaml files either here or in GitHub. My wish is to run this benchmark on a pc with better specifications and update the results in this post.