UiPath Community 2023.2 Release

UiPath Community 2023.2 Release

A new way of building Attended Automations

With the release of the 2023.2 community version, UiPath Studio now includes support for improved Attended Automations, making it even easier to automate your daily workflows. We are introducing a new toolset for running triggers and designing interactive forms and dialogs.
Read more here:

Studio and StudioX

Live Stream support over Remote Debugging

When utilizing the remote debugging functionality, users can easily visualize the actions that the robot is performing in real time. This feature is particularly useful for troubleshooting and updating automations that are running on the production environment. It is worth noting that this feature is supported out of the box for Serverless robots, making it easier for users to monitor and manage their automation workflows.


Track used applications and websites

Starting with this release, if the latest activity packages are used, Studio will report which applications and websites are being used in the automation process. This information can be visualized in Orchestrator, providing valuable insights into the automation workflow.

Find References support for Global Variables

We are constantly striving to improve on our previously released features, and in this latest release, we are bringing support for finding references to global variables and constants. With this new functionality, users can easily identify all the places where a global variable or constant is used throughout their automation projects, enabling them to make changes more efficiently and with greater confidence.

Data Manager sorting support

We enhanced our sorting support in Data Manager by introducing the option to simply drag & drop variables, arguments, and constants in a preferred order. This allows users to create custom rules on how to order the resources. To restore the sorting to an alphabetic order, you can simply click on the Sort button in the Data Manager (the alphabetic order applies to all resources in the Data Manager).


Desktop Excel enhancement to pivot tables and removing duplicates

In order to use these, you’ll need to update your Excel package to the latest version.

We introduced an option to refresh all the pivot tables in Excel, removing the need to do add an individual activity for each pivot table.

We also added an option to remove duplicates by comparing all columns without having to specify which columns to compare.


Save job execution recording

Starting with 23.2, you can see the execution job recordings for unattended robots. For this to be possible, what you need to do is to enable the Job Recording in your Orchestrator from the Processes :arrow_right: Edit :arrow_right: Additional Settings interface.

:star: You can select if you want to record only failed jobs or all jobs.

:star: After the job finishes executing, open the contextual menu on the Jobs interfaces and select “Open recording” to see the magic happen.

You can find out more about it in this here Recording - Preview release.


Running Tab

Starting with 2023.2, UiPath Assistant introduces the Running Tab! :rocket: This tab reveals itself on the details panel when you start running an automation, displaying the progress through status messages. These messages are filled via the Report Status activity by the automation creator. On the Running Tab, the status messages go along with a time-lapse that indicates when the specific status finishes, therefore now you can easily see the progress and the total time your automation takes to run!

:star: Keep in mind that for this to work ideally and to create a great running experience, your automation needs to use the Report Status activity as much as needed. You can read more about this activity here.

:star: This tab is not persistent, so you can dismiss it after the automation has run, or you can start running the automation again.

Input arguments and their default values

You can now see which arguments have default values defined at design time simply from the Assistant. If a variable has a default value and is not modified, the automation will run with that default value. You can also update them with your preferred values.



New native events for the monitoring framework

For the Trigger-based Attended Automation initiative we added more native events to the initial event lists introduced with the version 2022.12.

The events are available through the Application Event Trigger activity, which is meant to help set up a trigger based on a native event for any type of UI element. The user needs to indicate the target element on the screen and then choose the native event from the list of events supported by that element.


We now have the following native events available for each supported technology (Active Accessibility with <wnd>, <ctrl> tags, Java with <java> tags):

  • wnd, ctrl: Appeared, Disappeared, Text changed, Focus gained, Focus lost, State changed, Selection changed
  • wnd top level windows: Appeared, Disappeared, Title changed, State changed, Location changed, Foreground gained, Foreground lost, Minimized, Restored
  • java: Appeared, Disappeared, Text changed, Key pressed, Click, Mouse move, Focus gained, Focus lost, Enabled, Disabled, Selection changed, Mouse entered, Mouse exited, Cell selected, Cell value changed, Mouse pressed, Mouse released, Menu selected, Menu deselected, Menu canceled, Popup menu visible, Popup menu invisible, Popup menu canceled

The events added in version 2023.2 are marked in bold.

Easier use of Self-hosted extension with Native Host Only installation

If the Group Policies in an organization are defined at the user or cloud level, problems may appear since the UiPath browser extensions installed via Group Policy update the policies at the machine level, overwriting the user/cloud level policies (see Group Policy conflict).

For this case, the recommendation is to only install the Native Messaging Host component (ChromeNativeMessaging.exe). With this version it is easier to use the Self-hosted extension (for the Group Policy Offline installation method) by just adding the following value to the ExtensionInstallForcelist policy:


Chromium Native Support

We extended the support for automating Chromium Widgets/Electron applications with HTML selectors, introduced with version 22.8 of the UI Automation package.

Now, this support is available for Chromium versions 108, 109, and 110.

Computer Vision integrated with Unified Target

We implemented a few improvements around using the auto-anchors suggested by the CV AI Model at design-time, CV target support for the Check activity and we are now able to recover un-indicated CV targets from underneath already indicated driver targets when enabling Computer Vision as a targeting method. Also, we added mouse drag support when indicating a text target.

A much larger improvements package is coming soon in 2023.4, so stay tuned!

Document Understanding

We are happy to announce some improvements we will be providing with the 2023.2 release, having:

Enhanced the Forms Extractor page-matching algorithm :jigsaw:

For the Form Extractor to correctly extract the data from a document, until now, the document pages needed to be in the order in which the Template has been configured – with this new release, we have enhanced the algorithm and are using the “page matching info” to identify the page and match the result of it to the page of the document received as input to the activity. In this way, we rely on exact matching info, instead of a page order when identifying and extracting the data, leading to an improved extraction result – even for scanned documents for which the pages do not respect a particular order.

New ML Model Architecture (LayoutLM)

A new version of the Out-of-the-box Pre-trained ML Packages and their public endpoints has been released which are now using cutting-edge LayoutLM Transformers based architecture, which is more powerful and increases overall accuracy, especially on column fields (tables).

This improvement has made the Out-of-the-box Pre-trained ML Packages more powerful, meaning that you may experience longer latency for training and for predictions.

For all situations where latency is critical (e.g.: attended scenarios), we recommend deploying the models as ML Skills using a GPU.

We have improved how the scores are calculated after Training/Evaluation/Full pipelines in order to provide a separate score for each column field. Before this improvement, F1 scores were calculated as a whole, for all column fields taken together.

Moreover, we have switched from using the F1 score as our default overall model metric score to using Accuracy. Both metrics are presented in the evaluation_scores_du.txt file which is produced at the end of any AI Center pipeline.

Right-to-left Language support

We have added support for right-to-left languages like Arabic, Hebrew, and Persian. This feature provides improved accuracy and efficiency in data extraction, streamlining document processing workflows for users who work with right-to-left languages.

Please tell us what you think

Which features excite you the most and you are going to try right away? We want to hear what you think! Please use the image button below :slight_smile:


Earlier, I upgraded one unit and confirmed one of the new functions of UiPath Assistant.

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New updates are awesome :heart_eyes:

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My Document Understanding Validation station blew up after the update :frowning:

Not showing up anymore

( Buttons are not working in the window )

Update : Was able to fix with with .net 6.0 SDK

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when we try to invoke a any xaml we are getting this message (using ReFramework template)

cc @Bastian_Zamorano

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Same error when installing Studio


please help


My Assistant will not respond after the upgrade.
Does anyone know what is going on?

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hey, @LukasS ,
what version of the IntelligentOCR package are you using?
Also, I guess you’re using the latest Studio version, 2023.2, right?

Hello @rodrigoneira. Please help us with the following information.
What kind of Studio Installation do you have? Per user or per machine?
From what version of Studio did you upgrade?
When you say Reframework template, do you mean Enhanced REFramework?

Please try and update the System.Activities package to 23.2, if you have not already done so.
From what I see, Enhanced REFramework is a legacy project. Did you, by any chance, converted it to Windows?
And last, but not least, is it possible for you to please share your project? And please paste what text is shown in the Details section of the error.

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Hi @Ionut_Babencu .we have studio installed on the entire machine not per user, we have the latest studio version installed, the version released yesterday. The REFramework template that we are using is this one:

We already update System.Activities package and the problem persists, this is the text that we are getting:
23.2.0-beta.11986+Branch.release-v23.2.Sha.cf2c97d1d5fa33ec4991b279dbc0775c4eaed78d Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Error: UiPath.WorkflowProcessor.Common.Exceptions.UiPathLocalizedException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at UiPath.WorkflowProcessor.Common.Preprocessing.WorkflowDocumentPreprocessor.GetDependencyTree(LoggingScope scope, String xamlFilePath) at UiPath.Studio.ProjectCompiler.Services.ProjectCompilerService.<>c__DisplayClass9_0.b__0(String wf) at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectListIterator2.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectManySingleSelectorIterator2.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.DistinctIterator1.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator1.ToList() at UiPath.Studio.ProjectCompiler.Services.CompilationCache.GetWorkflowsForCompilation(IWorkflowProject project, IEnumerable1 workflows) at UiPath.Studio.ProjectCompiler.Services.ProjectCompilerService.CompileAsync(IEnumerable1 mapperEntries, IEnumerable1 workflowsToCompile, IEnumerable1 sourceFiles, IWorkflowProject project, IEnumerable1 referencedAssemblies, IProjectCompilerSettings settings) at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Execution.Services.ExecutionCompilationService.CompileInternal(Boolean calculateWorkflowDependencies) at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Execution.Services.ExecutionCompilationService.Compile(String entryWorkflow) at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Execution.Services.ExecutionStartConfigurator.ConfigureAsync(Boolean firstExecutionInBatch, Boolean lastExecutionInBatch, IEnumerable1 batchedDocuments, String entryWorkflow) at UiPath.Studio.Plugin.Workflow.Execution.Services.WorkflowExecutor.StartExecution(ExecutionConfig config) at UiPath.Studio.Shell.Execution.Services.ExecutionManagerBaseService.TryStartExecution(ExecutionConfig executionConfig, Boolean validate) at UiPath.Studio.Shell.Execution.Services.ExecutionManagerService.<>c__DisplayClass27_0.<g__StartExecutionAsync|1>d.MoveNext() — End of stack trace from previous location — at UiPath.Studio.Shell.Execution.Services.ExecutionManagerService.ProcessExecutionCommand(ExecutionCommand command, Object item, ExecutionParameters executionParameters) at UiPath.Studio.Shell.Execution.ViewModels.DebugViewModel.ExecuteDebugAsync(IPersistableItem item, ExecutionParameters executionParameters) at UiPath.Studio.Shell.ViewModels.DebugTabViewModel.ExecuteDebugProject() at UiPath.Studio.Contracts.IAsyncCommandExtensions.ExecuteAsync(IAsyncCommand`1 command) at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.b__128_0(Object state) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs) at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler), HResult -2146233088

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Hello. I using REFramework.
I found a bug after this patch.

The Config.xlsx file exists in the [Data] Folder, but it is not visible.

Additionally, files and images in the [Documentation] folder and [Exceptions_Screenshots] folder are not visible.

Is this an intended patch?

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Hello everyone, at studio launching I get the error below, when the starting screen says “creating application window”, then, it closes.

What can I do?
Please help


Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.ShellApplication.StudioShellApplication.LoadPlugins(IProfile profile)
at UiPath.Studio.Core.StudioApplication.StudioApplication.PostLicenseInitAsync()
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.ShellApplication.StudioShellApplication.HandleAquireLicense()
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.ShellApplication.StudioShellApplication.OnTempWindowLoaded(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.b__128_0(Object state)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.InvokeImpl()
at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.InvokeInSecurityContext(Object state)
at MS.Internal.CulturePreservingExecutionContext.CallbackWrapper(Object obj)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
— End of stack trace from previous location —
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at MS.Internal.CulturePreservingExecutionContext.Run(CulturePreservingExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherOperation.Invoke()
at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.ProcessQueue()
at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.WndProcHook(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
at MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)
at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.LegacyInvokeImpl(DispatcherPriority priority, TimeSpan timeout, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.SubclassWndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
at MS.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.DispatchMessage(MSG& msg)
at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.PushFrameImpl(DispatcherFrame frame)
at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.PushFrame(DispatcherFrame frame)
at System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher.Run()
at System.Windows.Application.RunDispatcher(Object ignore)
at System.Windows.Application.RunInternal(Window window)
at System.Windows.Application.Run(Window window)
at UiPath.Studio.Shell.ShellApplication.StudioShellApplication.HandleBeforeLicensingInit()
at UiPath.Studio.Core.StudioApplication.StudioApplication.StartApplication()
at UiPath.Studio.Core.StudioApplication.StudioApplication.Start(String args), HResult -2147467261

I tried Remote Runtime with 23.2.0, but when I specified Element on Remote Desktop in UIExploer, the following dialog was displayed. Is there still no Remote Runtime for 23.2.0? I think the URL is spelled correctly.


got it, I was working on single core environment, requeriments says at least 2 core is needed… but, c’mon keep it simple, its community edition

Using 2 cores now and its fine, missing the days just 1 single core was enough :lol:


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I also encountered this phenomenon on a one core virtual machine.UiPath Assistant still seems to work with one core virtual machine.

Hello @kimjy , please check that the Other Filter is enabled in Project explorer here, let me know if that helps.

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Hello @Bastian_Zamorano, I attempted to reproduce the issue.

  1. Installed studio 22.10.5 Advanced options, Robot in Service mode, connected to orch with client id and client secret

  2. created a RoboticEnterpriseFramework project from template

  3. Added a msg box in InitAllApplications.xaml

  4. Debug main wf → invoke wf file works, I see the msg box

  5. Upgraded to Studio UiPathStudio_23.2.0-beta.11986.msi

  6. Debug Main wf. I can’t reproduce the reported issue.

Studio 2023.2.0-beta.11986 - 2/27/2023
Enterprise License
Service-mode Installation

License Provider: Orchestrator
Activation ID:

Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise 64-bit
I am unable to reproduce the issue.
Is the License allocation ok in orchestrator for your machine? Do you have an orchestrator green connection for your robot?

Since the update, I can’t publish anymore :worried:
Just a few days ago, I could publish the same code including the OCR being rejected by the analuzer

1 - The analyzer doesn’t accept OCR-engines (similar to https://forum.uipath.com/t/documentunderstandingprocess-publishing-problem I guess);
"Error Could not load file XXXX.xaml. Reason: The invocation of the constructor on type 'UiPath.Core.Activities.GoogleOCR' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception."

2 - I’ve disabled any Analyzer enforcing and even disabled all the rules

3 - Publishing is still blocked. I’m not sure where to find these global publishing settings allowed by your team. I couldn’t find any documentation on this, I’m a community user.

The project has Workflow Analyzer errors and cannot be published. Check global publishing settings allowed by your team.

I just checked UiStudio.v2.settings The settings are the same, everything disabled.

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Thanks you so much!

My Question is solved