UiPath Community 2023.4 Release
Studio and StudioX
The final preview leading up to the 2023.4 Enterprise Release delivers highly sought-after enhancements and performance upgrades.
Show Properties Panel for all activities
After unveiling the updated activity design in version 2022.10, we received valuable feedback from our users regarding the absence of the Properties Panel. In response to this, we are excited to reintroduce the Properties Panel for activities featuring the new design.
Validation improvements
Project validation will now be quicker and more efficient, utilizing less RAM and CPU resources during the validation process.
Live streaming and remote control for windows robots
Starting with 2023.4 we provide live streaming for unattended robots that will help you debug easier! More than that, you can also remote control when live streaming . To make this happen, access Orchestrator → choose your folder → identify an automation → click edit and enable “Allow live streaming” and, if you want, check Enabled for Allow remote control when live streaming.
While the automation is running you can see the live streaming from the Jobs interface, by clicking on the contextual menu of the running automation and then on the Open live stream option. If you want to interact within the environment, simply click on Take remote control.
In the GIF below you can see an example:
More details here: Live Streaming & Remote Control - Preview release
Share an automation
Starting with 2023.4, you can share automations with a colleague! You can do this by clicking the share icon next to the automation name on the details interface.
A link along with a message is copied into your clipboard, and now you can paste it on an email or message!
Try it out! But keep in mind that this feature works only for automations found in shared folders
Automation Hub URL
Now if a process was created because of an idea, you can conveniently access that corresponding idea in Automation Hub by clicking on the "More details" link from the details interface.
!NEW: The UIAutomation 23.4.0-preview is available now on our official feed. To get access to newly added functionality mentioned below please update the UiPath.UIAutomation.Activities
dependency to version 23.4.0-Preview
for your process, from Studio → Manage Packages > Include Prerelease.
Computer Vision integration in Unified Target
Building and running reliable automations is the key to success for any automation program. The Unified Target concept is UiPath’s solution for ensuring the UI Automation based robots are reliable and trustworthy.
Computer Vision is an important AI powered targeting image-based technology that in some situations is the only one that can be used to reliably automate an application. Use-cases span from CV being used atomically to automate certain areas/elements that the driver cannot drill into, to VDI automation where CV is the only viable technology, and everything in between.
Computer Vision is now part of the Unified Target solution to help customers:
- reduce the complexity of building UI-based automation: customers should not know nor care about technical underlying concepts like selectors, AI-based screen searches, or OCR technology; they should simply point and click the screen elements: the rest is UT’s job.
- to increase the reliability and resilience to changes, in UI-based automation: often, customers do not control application UI changes; the UiPath robots must deal with these situations out of the box, and be smart enough not to break, remaining uninfluenced by the UI deterministic changes.
Computer Vision is enabled by default in Project Settings > UI Automation Modern for Desktop, Java and Web and disabled for SAP (as the happy path for SAP is using the strict selectors):
Computer Vision can also be enabled from the Helper:
The UIA Helper now has a streamlined new design focusing on optimizing vertical space, using a horizontal icon bar on top for the most common functions used:
- Pause with a dropdown for changing the number of seconds of pausing the configuration
- Hoverable elements & Image region selection buttons
- Enable/disable Native Text & Computer Vision buttons
- [F8] can now be used to enable/disable Computer Vision
- Changing the UI Framework is now a dropdown
- Default has been renamed to Auto
- Active Accessibility and UI Automation Frameworks now show their own icons
After indicating the target, the Configuration section is expanded, now holding an Options, Windows Selector and Target/Anchor sections (also expanded by default):
Current scope & limitations:
CV Run-time Auto-Scroll by Default
We now have a frictionless automation UX of scrollable content using CV.
By default, at run-time, all CV targets are searched by scrolling as well if they’re not found in the current viewport, including tables – at design-time, the ScrollDirection
property is set to Down
Tables are extracted as scrollable by default – at design-time, the ScrollableTable
property set to True
Web triggers added to the monitoring framework
For the Trigger-based Attended Automation monitoring framework we have added the capability to set triggers based on native events for UI elements in browser pages.
Available native events for web triggers:
Text changed
Key pressed
Double click
Right click
Mouse move
Mouse entered
Mouse exited
Mouse pressed
Mouse released
Focus gained
Focus lost
These events are available through the Application Event Trigger activity, the same way this is used to set up triggers based on a native event for other technologies. The user needs to indicate the target element on the screen and then choose the native event from the list of events supported by that element.
Added the WebRequest permission to the Chrome/Edge extensions
We have added the WebRequest permission to the Chrome/Edge extensions to allow using the web request API.
As a result, the Chrome extension v23.4 has been published on the Web Store with new Extension IDs:
– on Google Web Store -
– on Microsoft Store
The Self-hosted extension, used for Group Policy Offline installations, has also been updated with this permission, but kept the same Extension ID: ndmegdjihnhfmljjoaiimbipfhodnbgf
Improved Chromium support
Electron applications can create multiple BrowserViews inside a single BrowserWindow. Each view translates into a new and separate WebContents instance added to the Aura window widget. In the previous versions, our Chromium support used only the first WebContents it could find.
Now we support to:
- iterate over all WebContents
- get WebContent’s position
- check if a WebContent is active
Also, we have added support for CefSharp applications with multiple UI threads.
Document Understanding
We are happy to announce improvements for field-level Business Rules and the extraction algorithm for the Form Extractor! Keep reading to find out more
Updates on Business Rules
Mathematical Formula Field Rules ∑
With this release, we have added a new rule type that allows for the definition of mathematical formulas for both simple fields or column fields of type Number, referencing other number fields or number values. In this sense, one can provide one or multiple of the following:
Field: either of the below:
- a simple field of type Number
- a column field of type Number
- or a fixed value (provided by the user)
- Mathematical Operator: +, *, -
- Grouping Operator: (,)
All these to model use cases like:
- Total > 100
- Total = Subtotal + Delivery – Discount
- Line Amount = Unit Price * Qty (all 3 being column fields, rule applicable for each row of the table)
- Total Discount = sum (Discount Value)
- Total Price = sum (Unit Price * Qty)
- Total Price = sum(Line Amount) + Tax - Total Discount
- And many more
shall we be missing anything, do shout out – and keep watching, more rules one their way
Automatically applied rules in the Validation Station
Remember the Field Level Business Rules feature we previewed some while back? Where one would check the extraction against certain pre-defined rules, in the Validation Station? Until now, the rules have been verified when submitting the validation session – however, with this new release, they will automatically be applied, so that one can see the results quickly, reducing like so the time one spends validating the documents.
Enhanced the Forms Extractor page-matching algorithm
For the Form Extractor to correctly extract the data from a document, until now, the document pages needed to be in the order in which the Template has been configured – with this new release, we have enhanced the algorithm and are using the “page matching info” to identify the page and match the result of it to the page of the document received as input to the activity. In this way, we rely on exact matching info, instead of a page order when identifying and extracting the data, leading to an improved extraction result – even for scanned documents for which the pages do not respect a particular order.
Please tell us what you think
Which features excite you the most and you are going to try right away? We want to hear what you think! Please use the button below