To get access to the latest and the greatest you need to switch to the Beta channel:
(in case you are using Studio Community Edition and you do not see this option, see here)
Also, make sure you have activities beta feed active to be able to download beta versions of our activity packs
Overview of changes
See the list below of what you can expect out of this 2019.4 update. We will come back to you with blogs about each theme / capability. Please give us your thoughts and leave your feedback here.
GIT Integration. Includes:
Git integration
Git Branches
Show History
Workflow diff. Includes:
Show Changes
Compare 2 project files
Compare 2 versions of the same file from Show History
SOAP and Swagger Libraries
Ability to add a Soap or Rest web service to a library
Edit Settings. Studio now allows you to edit:
Global Settings
Project Settings
Workflow properties (applies to Libraries only):
allows adding tooltips and documentation for each reusable component
Yes, that’s correct. Both full documentation as well as full official release notes will come together with the stable release
It’s a sneak peak for now, where you can explore new things for yourself. We will also write some blogs to introduce the features soon enough, so no worries!
Good news… Expecting quicker implementation of these functionalities in enterprise edition. At least major changes like file comparison, tool tip for libraries, Computer vision.
Woo! Exciting stuff coming. Variables in selectors? Wonder how this will be implemented, but certainly a welcome upgrade. I’ve been concatenating strings with variables for a while, interested to see how this will change.
hi @c.ciprian - Return to breakpoint might not be actually what you expect. It’s actually a function to “Show Execution Point” when you’re somewhere else in the project files and forgot where the execution point was during debug. But fear not, Return to breakpoint as you understand it, is on the roadmap.
Overall, these are some awesome enhancements!
I hate to say it, but you are almost moving at too fast a pace!
Can’t keep up with all these new and cool features.
I do have one thought or suggestion with it comes to Variables and Arguments and that is to be able to Scope them at a Project Level. Maybe define them within the Project File and therefore they would be accessible across all XAML Workflows that are included within the Project? Just like segmenting code to make it more readable and easier to maintain, we break or segment Sequences and Workflows into separate XAML files, but we should not have to continually define and/or import Arguments, instead would be great to define them once and use across all - just like Public and Private scope in C# .NET.