I have an issue running a process from Orchestrator where it does not find a UI element to click it.
It works perfectly when I run the process manually from the Studio.
I have tried the solutions coming from the following posts:
None of those possible solutions helped unfortunately.
The element that I am trying to click on is the pop-up that appears when we’re trying to save a document on Internet Explorer asking if we would like to save the file or open it.
inside that, first activity as element exists which will find any element on that pop up window
if found, proceed further
And if you see that this behavior is inconsistent and sometimes element is not being found, also include the following:
element exists - wait for ready property as ‘interactive’
element exists in retry scope and exit only when element is found
increase activity timeout as well
Alternatively, you can use find element to find element and save it. Then instead of selector, pass that UiElement in element exists or whichever activity you wanna use that element in.
Could you provide more details about your environment? Mainly, what type of robot service are you using - the machine robot service of the Enterprise MSI installer or a user robot service of the Community EXE installer?
When executing from Orchestrator, the robot creates a new Windows session where it’s executing the automation. If the Open Browser is one of the first activities within the workflow, due to the fact that the extension needs some time to load in this new session, the first UIAutomation activities based on selectors, might fail. Thus, I recommend a few seconds delay at the beginning of the workflow, to allow the process/extension startup properly.
The issue was due to the instability of the application and Internet Explorer not responding for a longer time than expected and so the screen element did not appear in time. It had to be manually handled.