Decisions, Iterations, and Scenarios in StudioX - Working With Multiple Templates

Let’s talk a little bit about more complex tasks where decisions, iterations, and scenarios are needed.

In your own context, how can you see them used? And now that you learned about making your robot take decisions, go through iterations and work in scenarios, do you find RPA more valuable?

For any technical question , please create a new topic in the StudioX category here .

One question regarding the solution of the ‘working with multiple templates’ exercice.

I didn’t understand why we put ‘use word file’ activity after IF activity. Shouldn’t we put ‘use word file’ in the ‘then’ part?

Thanks in advance for clarification.

I used it inside the ‘then’ block. using it outside “if” block did not work for me. I guess because of file relative path. did add a couple of seconds delay after the “copy file activity” to ensure file is available for the edit.

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Let me give a help on your question, the [use file] was put after [copy file ] to only use the copy version, if you try to use the file while the file not exist yet, it may cause error. Or you will end up edit the template resume

This one was challenging for me a bit. I wasn’t 100% sure about doing it right but got it after a few failed attempts


I have a question regarding the switch activity - for the default case, we generally use skip current action, however , i was trying to write cell before the skip current in case of default . But was never able to add the action by drag or using the + indicator. is there a reason for this? i also see certain actions are not allowed before or after the skip current action ( makes no sense to use after , but should it not work before?)


I don’t understand why the provided solution works. The sheet it’s looking for is named the same as the file, Resume_Data. When I attempted this on my own, I got an error and had to use Sheet1 to get it to work… or rename the sheet to Resume_Data.

Inside the In Range box we will normally have this kind of input: [REFERENCE NAME] RANGE_NAME

From the project resource itself, the Resume_Data excel file that was provided has the range inside Sheet1 worksheet named as “Resume_Data”. That is why it works. Another way to see that the range has been named is that we’re able to select a data table name while selecting the range (see picture below).

I noticed in this exercise that I had to alter 2 things which was not stated but through trail and error: 1) I had to put “_” inbetween and for file naming. 2) I had to uncheck Replace All in each of the Replace text in Document activity. This allowed it to replace everything correctly.

Thanks a lot

I noticed that there are multiple instances of the same name used in different rows (i.e. multiple rows with the name as Flying Robot). A challenge would be to make sure none of the files are overwritten. i.e. making Flying Robot1, Flying Robot2, etc.

We need to be very careful on the variable within the specification of filename. Once it’s done correctly, everything goes smoothly. Had spent some time troubleshooting, then realize I’ll missed out the “docx” in the filename file. Very good practice!

hi: I was not able to down load the files for the last practice: working with multiple templates.

I got:
failed - server problem.

Could you please share them with me?

Hello, can someone help me :frowning: I am really struggling with this. I am new to RPA so working through the foundation modules and so far the activities have been fine until now.
When looking at the solution project and the robotpath, I feel like I have missed something, we haven’t been through anything about files or copying them using an excel path, I get the general idea and what is needed to happen but I don’t know how to point it to a file/folder and a cell at the same time.
Looking at the solution project, I can see the info it wants from me but not how to capture that. Tried copying theirs to a degree and that only partially works.

In the Robotpath the below is where I am stuck. Normally there is a tutorial video to help point me in the right direction and this this is the only one so far where I have really struggled and there isn’t a video for help.

Maybe I am over thinking it but I have been stuck for a while and would like to finish the module any help would be appreciated.

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At the start of your robot add the activity “Use Excel” you can refer to the excel sheet cells, rows, columns. If you search in activities again there is an action called copy file. The copy file action allows you to specify a file path on your computer. With Copy file now inside your Use Excel activity you can specify a cell as part of the file path

It is challenging for me. I don`t know what I am doing wrong. When it copies the file from resumes to the edited folder the file is empty. Can anyone help me please?

Hi Karen,

I faced the same issue at first. The solution is to put the “Use Word File” activity inside the Then flow of the IF activity. You can add a delay of about 3 seconds to ensure the copied file is created and availble in the new location “Edited Resumes”.

Hi Everyone,
I’m lost on the Copy File activity. How do I maintain the path when going to indicate the specific cell I need? When I go to the Plus-in-the-circle symbol and indicate the specific cell I need, I lose the path. I see the solution but, again, don’t know how to include the path to the file for the cell I need to copy from and to copy to.

I will appreciate anyone who can explain how to do this action.

Hi Everybody,
I figured it out.

What - exactly- is supposed to be the output for this robot? Mine runs without errors, but I don’t see any results.