Unable to read unread mail


automation unable to read unread mail.i changed list email to fiest value from 1 to 20 also but not worked
i need to dwonlaod attachment where subject = error file , condition isprovided.
check below workflow , unraed maul is there in my mailbox.

help me on same

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Hi @Mathkar_kunal

Change the limit email to first from 1 to 100. So, that it will consider the first 100 mails and will read only unread mails from first 100.

Note: limit can be anything like 10 or 20 anything but the unread mail should be within that limit


Hi @Mathkar_kunal

Check the condition Limit emails to first as 1 to 100 or something


Hi @Mathkar_kunal

Hope it helps!!

Hi @Mathkar_kunal

In the for each file Email activity there is a option called Limit emails to first you have given only one it will read one mail make change it to No Limit. Then it will read all mails in your Inbox.
Click on the dropdown and select the No Limit option.

Hope it helps!!

still not reading check above ss


Use with attachments option to be checked if you wanted the attachments to be downloaded and uncheck the retrieve attachments box and also change the subject from equals to contains because if any spaces were found in email subject then it wont get exactly matched with the “Error File” so try changing the subject from equals to contains.


Hii @Mathkar_kunal

Uncheck the retrieve attachment and check the with attachements option in the For each mail activity.

Hope it helps!!


Once try


tryied by uncehcking option not worked

Tried this also not worked

Have you checked the With attachments option and in the additional filters change the condition equals to contains.

If you have two outlook accounts logged in your system. Please select the account that you are working with in Outlook scope.

Check one more thing is the mail is in the inbox or not.


In For each loop take one message box and run the workflow to know whether it goes to inside or not.

all info is correct as above images

All info is correct
are you selecting inbox like this

Try once give a message in for each whether it is going to loop or not

yes like that only i selected


Once try this

Could you try with the Get outlook mail messages activity. Open the properties of Get outlook mail message in filter expression give like this “[Subject] = ‘Error File’”, check the unread option too.
After that use message box to check how many mails got retrieved.
In message box give like this Mailmessages.count.toString
Then we will get the count of mails.


If that method doesn’t work try this