UiPath Community 2023.10 Release - Recap

UiPath Community 2023.10 Release - Recap

We are now getting close to our second, and last Long Term Support Enterprise release of the year and as part of our release process, we are making our latest 2023.10 Community version available to our Community users.

There are too many new features that were added since our last LTS release to list them all here, but you can head to the links below where you will find a recap of all changes for each individual platform component.

We hope to catch your attention with at least a few of them, and we hope to hear from you about the ones you find the most impactful, and the ones you wish to see evolve further.

Studio & StudioX

Robot & Assistant

UIAutomation, Computer Vision & SAP Automation

Coded Automations & Test Suite

Document Understanding

If you are using our Community Edition, it should auto-update. If for any reason it did not autoupdate, you can grab it from our Automation Cloud Resources page.

Please tell us what you think

Which features excite you the most and you are going to try right away? We want to hear what you think! Please use the image button below :slight_smile:


i’ve updated.The problem of disabling and enabling if else statements has been resolved.

By the way, it’s an extension for Edge, Chrome, and Firefox, but after updating, I had to uninstall it in Studio and reinstall it to be able to communicate properly. Is this a new specification?

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Hello @patent-atanaka ,

Regarding browser extensions, if you had a version <= 23.4 of the extension installed as Current User, and have now upgraded to Studio 23.10, this version installs a new version of the browser extension (23.10). In this case, you need to re-enable the extension in the browser.


The message to enable the browser extension appears only for the first browser opened. So if you tried to run the workflow without opening the browser in advance to enable the extension, you will get an error message: “Could not communicate with the UiPath extension”.

You should be able to fix this error by opening the browser and enabling the extension (not necessarily by uninstalling and reinstalling the extension from Studio). For example for Chrome, you can navigate to chrome://extensions and check if the UiPath Extension for Chrome 23.10 is installed and needs to be enabled.

Best regards,

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Thanks @Luiza_Surdu-Bob .I got it.

Hi @Luiza_Surdu-Bob

What is the primary benefit of upgrading from Automation Suite Prod 2023.4 to the Automation Suite Prod 2023.10 version?

At this moment you can only find the release notes for Automation Suite 2023.4 https://docs.uipath.com/automation-suite/automation-suite/2023.4/release-notes/automation-suite-2023-4-0

When the product 2023.10 will be released, you will be able to read the release notes of that product in the Official documentation.


Hi @marian.platonov

Thank you for the response

We received a suggestion from the UiPath team during the recent UiPath conference in the USA to upgrade our automation suite to version 2023.10, as we are currently using version 2023.4.

Could you please provide more information about the additional benefits and features available in 2023.10?

Where’s the changelog for every beta release that is forcefully being installed?

This update seems to have caused an issue with inserting images into content boxes on UiPath Forms even when using the latest version of the forms package 23.10.3 the issue still persists. I have tried downgrading to both UiPath studio v2023.4.2 and v2023.4.5 and the issue is fixed, therefore the problem is with the update to the latest studio version.

Have you taken a look at this bug?

Debug stopped on a breakpoint, yet it’s not highlighted in the breakpoint list - Feedback / Studio - UiPath Community Forum

Hello UiPath team, when can we expect the 23.10 Enterprise release?

With there now being C# code for test cases, will we soon be able to write C# code instead of using blueprints for our automations in the actual workflows? It’ll give a much larger overview of a project rather than having to scroll five miles to read a workflow because of the pretty UI elements

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Hi @midhunsug661

The Enterprise 2023.10 release is already live :slight_smile:

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Hello @loginerror

Can you please take a look at this thread that I did. There’s obviously a bug. Unable to pass variable into For Each Max Iterations - #14 by private_matter Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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It seems like this menu has disappeared in the new orchestrator. Where can we find it please?


Best regards

I just did an upgrade this morning and noticed that one as well.

OMG. I don’t know how to make a report that their OC onprem already upgraded to this version.

normally, I did capture the version number on that menu but now it’s gone.

I wanna scream so bad.

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Today i’ve updated.

Any notes on ?
23.10.0 → 23.10.1