UiPath Community 2023.10 Release - Robot & Assistant

Robot & Assistant

This topic goes in-depth about the improvements in Robot & Assistant. To read about other products, please navigate to the main topic here.


Picture in Picture Virtual desktop preview - GA

Starting with this release, we merged the experience of our PiP implementations by allowing our attended users to easily watch the Robot while it performs the tasks.



Starting with 23.6, we moved the Preferences window in the main Assistant window :gear: This change enhances the loading time and reduces the memory usage :rocket:

Running Tab improvements

Starting with 23.6, Running Tab status messages now support multiline and links. When using the Report Status activity, simply add Environment.NewLine for more lines or useful links the users can interact with in Assistant.

:star: Use the multiline if you want to make your text visually organized, structured, and easy to read, especially if you have separate points to cover.
:star: Use links if you want to direct users to documents, invoices, or other resources that have been processed.

Using the Report Status activity in your processes can build more trust among the end users and also a seamless experience :orange_heart:

UiPath Assistant for Excel add-in

:package: Starting with 23.4.2 we released UiPath Assistant for Excel add-in, the new add-in that enables you to run your attended automations without leaving the Excel spreadsheet, making it easier to transfer data from Excel to the process. Find more details if the following forum post: UiPath Assistant for Excel add-in

Performance improvements

Decrease memory usage

:rocket: Starting with 2023.8, as part of our performance improvements initiative, we addressed and resolved all memory leaks resulting from tooltip usage, different user actions, such as open process details, sign in and out, refresh policy, etc. :tada:

Improve startup time

:stopwatch: We added an animated loading screen to reduce the time it takes for the Assistant window to show up after being started (around 2 seconds, depending on your machine).

UX Improvements

Loading states

:speech_balloon: Starting with 2023.10, we have enhanced all Assistant loading states, including the installation of automations. The Assistant is now displaying meaningful information, such as the number of downloaded packages, providing clearer installation progress.

Connection issues

With this release, we have improved the troubleshooting of connection issues between Assistant and Orchestrator. Besides the error message, we are now exposing its corresponding error code, and a link to a documentation page that explains the underlying cause and potential solutions for the most common issues.

:open_book: You can find more information within the documentation page.

Running Tab

You can now enable or disable the focus on the Running Tab when automation is running. Access PreferencesGeneralAutomations section.

This feature toggle can also be manipulated from Automation Ops: Access the cloud → Automation OpsGovernance → Choose your product policy → Feature Toggles.


Launch Studio Web from Assistant

:rocket: Feeling inspired to implement automations? Now you can find some helpful Studio Web shortcuts directly within Assistant.

  • Studio Web product in UiPath Products section (Launchpad and Automations List).
  • Based on the term you are searching for in the Assistant search bar, Studio Web templates may be suggested to you. A template can be a good starting point for building your own automation.

Try it and tell us what you created!

Can somebody give an example about the usage of Report Status activity? Thanks.
