I’m using “Type Into” activity, When I indicate on the screen the selector show validate with green box and tick mark but after some time it turns change into red box with cross mark means invalid selector. Could anyone please help me to fix it out.
HI can u provide the screen shot when its green/validated?,
then we might know where the problem is
also when facing with changing selector (ussually have attribut like numbers,1,2,3, etc) you can replace that attribut with variable or wildcards (‘*’)
When I select the input field the id was ‘rc_select_7’ but now it got invalid selector error coz using inspect I check the Id = ‘rc_select_15’, same input field.
One more thing…!!!
When I use Whildcard (*) application have many input fields so it got confused and starting changing the first input field every time.
‘Type Into’ will simulate same keystrokes how we type to enter data into specific UI element. Set Text will set the given value in the specific UI element (text box) in one attempt. Both will work similar way to enter text values in an editable text field. If you want to perform key strokes, please use ‘Send Hotkey’ after the Set Text activity.