"project.json" file corrupted


My “project.json” file corrupted, What to do to recover my file? I have only “XAML” file, I have installed all Packages but still get errors :disappointed_relieved:


Delete the json file and close the studio and open the xaml file again. Now you can see the json file!


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Hello @THIRU_NANI , Thanks for prompt feedback
YES, I can see the JSON file but with lot of errors, I have installed the related Packages but same

Strange!!! even “Kill Process” Activity disappeared :
Could not find member ‘AppliesTo’ in type ‘http://schemas.uipath.com/workflow/activities:KillProcess’. Row: 291, Column: 35

Hi again,
Problem fixed using : Could not find member 'CurrentIndex' in type 'http://schemas.uipath.com/workflow/activities:ForEach(String)'. Row: 95, Column: 64
But project Takes too much time to start execution ???

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are you trying to run the process From orchestrator or studio?


From Studio
This window takes longer time :


could you please clear the temp folder

for that just hit Win+R->%temp%(Clear temp folder)


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Thanks @THIRU_NANI , I’m cleaning this folder on daily basis, I notice this issue only after installing those missing packages after JSON file corruption :roll_eyes:
Also I notice that, Run file was not there before :
Knowing that I’m using Studio 2020.10.7

Any idea about this latency ? Is there any specific temp folder for UiPath ?

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