Xaml file deleted, left JSON file. How to open uipath studio?

Hi, my XAML file was deleted and left with JSON file. How to i open up the project?

Hi @Helpmeplease ,

You cannot open the project by using the JSON file. For more information about JSON files, please refer to https://docs.uipath.com/studio/docs/about-the-projectjson-file

If your project is published to Orchestrator, then you can find your published project there.

Best regards,

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My project was published to uirobot not to the orchestrator. Is there still anyway to retrieve the workflow?

Check both the folder below

  1. C:\Users\PRAVIN(your user name)\AppData\Local\Packages

  2. C:\ProgramData\UiPath\Packages\

If it is not there means you lost it

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Hi @Helpmeplease ,

If the process was published locally, you can still retrieve the xaml file from a directory similar with the following



  • test_202103 is my published process

  • 1.0.3 is the published version

Hope it helps
Best regards,