I launched Studio and opened Project.json, but the following attachment error came out and I can not continue.
The project “…....project.json” could not be opened.
feed “Uipath.Cryptography.Activities.1.0.6863.32236” but multiple attempts to download the nupkg have failed. the feed is either invaild or required package were removed while the current operation was in progress…
Due to transmission problems, the picture is blurred, please forgive me。
who can help me?
thank you! @Maciej
From studio, are you trying to open project.json file ?
Studio will use to design our business process and it will open ‘xaml’ files only. If you want open project.json file then use notepad editor or any other editor.
Instead of opening Workflow project file, open workflow file (*.xaml)
When you click open from the studio, you will get the selection window, in that set the dropdown value to workflow file (*.xaml) and select the xaml file in your project.
yes,This problem will only occur if you open this project.
Also, I think the effect of opening .xaml and opening .json is the same.
Is it because “Uipath.Cryptography.Activities.1.0.6863.32236” this version of the package can not be downloaded?
I can’t download the package normally. Do you know why?
thank you!
I met this similar problem(the only difference is the UIautomation activity goes wrong) …and the solution is uninstall and reinstall the latest version.
But!! Remind to DELETE these two whole filefolders C::…\AppData\Local\UiPath and C:.…\AppData\Roaming\UiPath. Or the reinstallation will not solve the problem. I wasted much time to solve this problem.