Process with WEb Application not working if VM is Closed

i have a project that runs over unattended robot, it’s triggered from orchestrator every morning, it works well when the screen is visible (on the server, or with a remote desktop opened), the process can’t continue, it stops on an attach window activity (the window to attach is a java application, it have been opened from the same process without problem) if the process starts without a remote desktop opened.

HI @Burdette_Brown

Have a look on the thread

Try the Below steps as well as

  1. We should have any on going connections with the VM(bot machine) like user logins. to avoid this we have to restart the VM to make sure that no user logged into this VM machine.
  2. Have you installed the Bot which you are running as un attended from orchestrator by using MSI installer since we must install the bot with service mode since service mode bot is required for un attended automation.
  3. Make sure that you assigned un attended bot license for the Bot(VM) which you are trying to run your process un attended.


I am not a developer…but, working with my developer to make this work… from what I am showing you…does this look like I have a service bot or a user bot?

You have a service bot , Okay do you have a unattended license for that machine?


we do have an unatteneded license for the VM…

any idea what else could cause this to not work without the VM open?

Try this if possible uninstall the studio and install the same version .msi file and check once

From the screenshot I sent you of the task manager… is that showing that we “only” have a service bot running…or is there a user bot as well…and how do I know what is running my processes

I think there should be UiPath.Service.Host.exe also should be running in the machine

I can’t see UiPath.Service.Host.exe running in the above SS you have shared

So it is better if you reinstall the studio with the steps in here


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its magic! Thank you soooooo MUCH!!! We are now live and working with the VM closed!

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That’s great to here

Kindly close this Topic if your query resolved so that it will be helpful for others too!


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