Not able to insert value in textbox

As mention in attachment able to insert value in text box.In text box adjust amount I am adding value convert_strng_Aocal but not work

I am not Untitled1

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Is sendwindowmessage property enabled and simulate type property disabled

Cheers @Aditya10989

Set ClickBeforeTyping As True and try.

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yes I already change this

Is it getting failed at type into throwing any error

yes I already used this

no not throwing any error but not able to insert value in the text box

Does the variable used in type into activity has any value in it

Try TypeInto Activity in _Test.xaml without Attach Browser.
Some times typeinto works outside the attached brower with full selectors.

yes as mention in screen shot it contain 6187.50

You may also try with anchor base activity using the label text “Adjustment Amount” as anchor and the type into as your action.

Can you share the full selector of the field?

I also try this but this also not work for me

hi @Aditya10989 are you able to enter the amout ??

Are you able to enter the value manually in textbox?

whats the process before the type into activity? like are you doing anything apart from that particular page?

if yes do one thing before using type into activity use click activity and indicate on random element Choose Adjustment Amount on left of the screen and use type into activity to write the amount in particular box, ive been facing the same issue was not able to type in a particular box and i tried this it worked fine for me

Make ClickBefore Activity = True

yes I am able to do manually

no buddy
do one thing before using type into activity use click activity and indicate on random element and use same type into activty

Click the element “Adjustment Amount” and set x and y Offset in CursorPosition to make it click the text box
then typeinto without highlighting the textbox element