TypeInto into web apps

I am trying to update textbox without deleting existing text. I just want to add text with older text. But not able to do i want to add txt into text box at top like updates.

@Swapnil_Meshram In the type into property uncheck Empty filed

@indra Thanks for reply… Property Empty Field is unchecked. I just want to add txt on top of it. Like providing an update on something, stucked not working

@Swapnil_Meshram Is it possible to share the link if it is web automation means?

@indra yes it’s web automation, will not able to share link, I will explain…a web page having a text box, which already having some txt, so i just want to add txt on top of it and to save it. But prob is with type into sometimes its making whole txtbox empty and then writing new info, other cases its writing into txtbox but not at desire position like top…It’s writing somewhere in txtbox.

@Swapnil_Meshram First scrap the text box having the text and store in the variable than use type into activity with property check Empty filed and pass scraped variable plus your new text

Thnaks will try that…do u have any xamal demo for this? What about clipping will it help ?

@Swapnil_Meshram Sorry i am not having xaml demo

What about clipping? Do u have any idea ?

@Swapnil_Meshram Sorry lets wait for others reply i am also waiting for it

@indra hm Thanks!

@indra check attached screenshot

@Swapnil_Meshram Do you got any error

@indra no error

First read the text content of the text field.then concatenate the value to it and store in into a string variable. Now type into activity with the string variable and empty field option.

@amakundu thanks for reply…do u have any xamal demo for the same ?