I have created topics about this before but there is no solution for it except using classic activities, or some slow workarounds.
I want to know why the modern activities are having problems with Edge popup windows.
Using the “Use Application/Browser” does not work good when Edge popup windows appear.
The activity executed doesnt seem to complete as soon as the popup window appear and the activity after takes a very long time to start. If I try to Edit the selector while the popup window is present it takes a very long time until Configuration box appears.
If I close down the EDGE popup window the Configuration box/panel appears directly.
TLDR; the EDGE/Chrome popups are creating some crazy slowness when using modern activites. I cant be the only one experiencing this. I have tried several options last year and this year, see the old topics.
Before I used VB.net projects, but have moved over to C# projects but the issue is still present.
As mentioned the Classic activity “Attach browser” and the Classic “Click” works great, no delays/slowness. What is the difference between Classic and Modern and how could I make the Modern browser scope identical to the Classic one?
Will the Classic activities be removed soon? I hope not when the new modern ones are not working good.
I’ve observe that the delay with modern activities occurs in the UI Activity that triggers the Chrome / Edge popup. It is counter intuitive and it sounds like a bug.
Further UI activities that try to detect the popup works correctly after the 30s delay described in this post.
If one uses classic UI activities (Find UI Element, Match UI Element) instead the UI Activity that trigger the Chrome / Edge popup, then there is no delay in the popup detection.
we do know from internals that the Unified Targeting is calculating within a cascade / parallel find check. At this part each version brings some enhancements, but also is challenging.
We can expect further tunings in the future and in the meanwhile can try to tune:
as clear and as less parallel targeting approaches (strict, fuzzy…)