Joining 2 datatables records in another datatable

Hi Team,

I have 2 datatables dt1, dt2
Each dt contains same no of columns like
Brand and AccNo
IT - 12345
How to merge these two dt and save it in another dt (dt_res)
I am trying to use the activity - Join Datatables gave inputs dt1 and dt2 and saving but its displaying error.

Hi @Robotics

Please check the following video to do the join using a LINQ query:

Hi @Robotics

Have you tried with Merge data table ativity



Hi @Robotics

Build data table activity → Dt1



Output will be stored in → Dt2



Use Assign activity

DtOutput = Dt2.Clone


Its not fetching any rows. Row count shows 0.
Looped and checked dt1 and dt2 both contains around 150 rows.
In assign mentioned dt2.clone and storing the result in a dt (DtOutput)
What could be wrong ?

Share the sample input files here @Robotics

Its still the same, cant get the code from there. I am storing values in 2 diff dt from 2 different orchestrator queue. Row count for 2 dt is correctly showing

@Robotics , Commo is appearing in the excel file? after processing Merge data table activity?

Or Commo is already present in the Dt Before processing itself?

No you can ignore that comma what i shared. i did not see the output correctly. Still we are in unable to merge these two dt’s only. Dt1 showing 11 rows and dt2 shows 100 rows merge result shows 0 rows

Can you share the XAML file or screenshot @Robotics

Check out the XAML file

Joindatatable.xaml (12.9 KB)


Check out this video link @Robotics


@Gokul. Got the result. Can i ask one more qurey? In queue there are 500 transactions but its fetching only 100. Is there any restriction ?
In Get Queue Items i have not mentioned anything other than the queue name in property. Left the Top option as empty as well

Great @Robotics

Kindly close this topic by mark as solved

We have the transactions restriction for Get queue items activity.

Can you check the priority have you set in the queue items


For more discussion can you create a new topic. Other user may get confuses, who look for the sample issue.


Sure got it thanks gokul

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