Issue with the licensing of Uipath Studio

Good day. I had UiPath Studio installed, and an update occurred from it to the StudioX version. However, I want to reinstall the Studio version, and it has not been possible. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it and the same version of Studiox appears. How could I reinstall Studio and not Studiox?

Hi @Julian_Torres_Torres

You can change profile like this


create an account with the new email id as your license got expired please create an account with another email id

Hope it helps!!


Check on this thread


  1. First check you license in orchestrator admin-> licenses pge → if it says free then you need to recreate a community orchestrator with a different email id and use it
  2. If it says community then you should be able to change the profile from studio license and profiling page and use studiox
  3. Also fir aecond option it is important to check if automation developer or automation user role is givne to the user connected

Hope this helps
