I have installed UI path studio - community edition before 2 months and worked on automation workflows. Now it got upgraded to new version Studio X version 2023.4.2 without any prior notification. Now I am unable to open previous xml files which I worked. It says incompatible. I need to use previous files. Also please confirm, In this new version, If I create new files , which will also get affected in future during software up-gradation?
Hi @sabari1
Have you upgraded to pro trial or enterprise trail?
No, I haven’t done this yet.
is it Studio x or Studio
It was Studio, now it upgraded to Studio X due to which I am unable to open previous project files.
@sabari1 ok you can change license and by doing this you will back to Studio. After this you will able to open your existing code.
Change license option is disabled at my end. Please change it from your end.
@sabari1 let me check changing method. I can’t change it.
ok. please resolve this issue as soon as possible.
First can you confirm if the license type is community or free…for this login to your orchestrator open admin panel…click on licenses and check if it shows community or free there…
If it is free then may be while registering two monthw before you would have register in trail instead of community and it gets auto expired after 2 months and converts to free plan
So you can try using another id and create a new account on community version and use the studio
try these steps:
It is a free lincense and that is the reason it switched back to studioX …free will not allow studio…
Please register on community with a different email id and create a new org. Generally if you click on try free it first redirects to 60 day trail and from left down we have to select community to register as community version else it registers as trail…may be first time you registered a trail version so it converted to free after 2 months
Ok I will do that. How long I will get community edition?
Does the file which I going to work will not get affected in future right?
Community version will not expire…only teail version will expire and yes ypu can then open your old file as you would get studio back on community
Thanks a lot for your support.
Above link is loading for longtime more than 15 min, after clicking create account. Please check.
You can go to UiPath site…click on try for free and then the link would open…its the same link…just make sure first time it opens trail window…from left bottom you can select community version and register…the link is same
@sabari1 download now UiPath studio.msi file from this account by cleaning previous files fr all folders which i have mentioned above.
Uninstall the current version and download the community studio and install it…
Also I hope you know how to create robot and machien and assign licenses …please perform these steps and connect the machine to orchestrator