Cannot Select PDF from "Save as type" combo box

Hi everyone, i need help. I tried to save my document as pdf, but when i tried to click the “Save as Type” to PDF, it has not selected as PDF, but still on “Word Document (*.docx)”. How is it?

And btw i cannot use “Word Application Scope” coz for my project, i have another issue when using that activity, that is there’s no data source confirmation" like the topic i’ve posted below

Please help guys. Thank u before.

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Hey @Felix.Effendi,

Try giving all types in combo box and append .pdf in name instead of docx.

This may help.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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What type of click are you using? I had this problem once and it drove me crazy. The problem was on windows side though and it was fine in a day.

@blathursby - Choose “Type Into” and Send “P” …that will bring .pdf extension…and then hit enter to save and exit the pop up screen…

And why can’t you use the SaveAsPDF activity → Uipath.Word.Activities…



This is a good solution but it only works with Word and pdf. I had the problem with html and excel files. The reason I asked about the type of click is that sometimes the native windows elements dont like simulate click. It doesn’t fail but nothing changes.

@Felix.Effendi - What is your objective? to convert word, excel and html etc etc etc to PDF in a single workflow?..

As a quick work around…i was able to achieve the below…

To get Keyboard shortcuts activity, go to settings → Design → Turn on “Use Modern for new projects”…

I don’t have an objective @prasath17. I don’t have problems with this, I was just responding and trying to help @Felix.Effendi. The reason why his way doesn’t work has probably got something to do with the type of click he is using. Your way only works if you are starting with a word document which isn’t always the case.

got it…Instead of directing the question to original poster…i tagged you wrongly…

Your way only works if you are starting with a word document which isn’t always the case.

what you exactly mean by “which isn’t always the case” …? Above workflow can be easily expanded to any filetype (that is what my plan is)…for ex: if excel…use excel application use…like this…

Oh sorry I thought you were replying to me. I don’t think there is an application scope for every file type. Sometimes we will need to use the native Microsoft Windows and we should understand what type of clicks work there and how they generally behave.

@Felix.Effendi - I just noticied that you had mentioned your post to not to use “Word Application Scope”…Here is the another solution for this…

Follow the below procedure , as is and it working perfectly. I have tested lot of time…


hi @Nithinkrishna. there’s no “all types” choise btw. I use MS 2016. Thank u btw.

hahaha… Same here… LOL.

Thanks for the solution to use type into and send P letter, that’s work but i think that’s not really a good solution, coz i think if there’s another file type that lead by letter “P”, so it’s gonna be wrong, right?

And I cannot user Word Activity coz it have another problem like what i mentioned above, that is there’s no data source confimation for that document. Thank u.

Hi @blathursby… i used only click activity, like do we do to save file in normal way. Just click the “save as type” and then the combo box will show and then click again to that PDF type, but there’s nothing change. LOL. I tried with simulate on and off, but it has a same result, nothing change. hahaha. Thank u btw

@Felix.Effendi - Please see my recent post…there is no word activity at all…

  1. Start Process
  2. Delay
  3. Use Application/browser
  4. Keyboard Shortcuts

There is only one P in the whole list…i am not sure what is the other one you are talking about?? Send me the screen shot…


Another Solution…

Hit Ctrl P + if “Microsoft Print to PDF” is default → the hit enter this will open up a dialouge box → Enter the folderpath\filename to save the pdf…

ok i’ll try that…

Btw for types with the P letter, it’s just my concern, maybe someday there will be other document types that start with the letter P, for example “Pascal”, “Python” or other types of P that can be convert with MS Word, so this solution will no longer be valid right?

@Felix.Effendi - instead of P then send “PDF” …Here you go…

Its tested and working fine…

hi @prasath17. I’ve tried this with select item “Save as Type” and then the Save as Type changed, but in fact it wasn’t changing, coz when i checked to the file, it still .docx file. LOL

The read arrow is targeting to the file that i’ve saved in pdf.

btw where can i get “Use Application” activity? i dont have it in my studio activity.

Maybe can u share your solution @prasath17. Thank u

btw where can i get “Use Application” activity?..

To get Keyboard shortcuts activity, go to settings → Design → Turn on “Use Modern for new projects”…

Once you turn on the modern design you will get use application and keyboard shortcuts …

Btw…what version u r using? And share your xaml ?