Word Application Scope: Error opening document, make sure Word application is installed. If already installed

Word Application Scope: Error opening document, make sure Word application is installed. If already installed, an Office Repair may be required.


Did you try these? These fixes are for all office applications


I try this also

Hello @Ravi_Rawal
For the word application scope, you need MS Word application on your machine. Otherwise, try Word document activities. For this application scope not required.

I want to use save as pdf activity

@Ravi_Rawal , Does your machine, have an MS Word application? If have, mention the Version.

Where should I mention the version?

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@Ravi_Rawal , I mean that, if you have MS excel mention here the version name. and check it is activated or not.

In UiPath or ms excel?

Tryt to repair your Ms Word

  1. Click Home in your studio
  2. Click Tools > Apps > Repair Tool for Microsoft Office and select theWord button in pop up window.
  3. Select the version and check the .exe path. if the wrong one, select the correct one. and click the Generate repair.


Other wise refer to this video to repair the MS Word

You are facing an error in MS word right? Which version are you using

@Ravi_Rawal If you want to convert word files into PDFs, you can try like this without using word application scope. It worked for me.

Convert Word File to PDF without using Word Application Scope

I am doing project but I required most of activities.

Just wanted to reply something possibly anecdotal. I was experiencing the same error as you. I ran the MS Office Repair tool in UiPath studio. Closed relaunched and received the same error. A more senior engineer came over to take a look and asked me to pull up logs in UiPath. (Debug tab > Open Logs) I had quite a few in there, which he instructed me to clear all of them out.

After doing so, I ran the automation again and did not experience the Word Application Scope Error. My senior engineer immediately tells me there is no way that these two things should be related, to which I agree.

However, I figured I’d post online as this is such a niche problem and if it worked for me, there’s a small chance it can help others too.

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