how to use word application scope and save doc as pdf activities to change my current file in a each file loop to pdf.
Welcome to the community
Follow the steps
- For each file in folder and give the folder path
- Inside it use word application scope and pass
- Inside it use save document as pdf activity …with
This will ensure each file is saved with same name with .pdf extension
Hope this helps
Hey @Helpmepls ,
Welcome to the community
To convert word to Pdf there is a activity called as Save Document As PDF , u can get that activity by installing the UiPath.Word.Activities package in the Manage packages
Below is the sample workflow to convert word to pdf (24.2 KB)
Hope it helps you out!
Hello @Helpmepls
For Each file in ListOfWordDocuments
Word Application Scope
Input: file (the current Word document file path)
Save Document as PDF
Output: PathToPDF (specify the PDF file path and name)
Thanks & Cheers!!!
Try Follow steps
→ Use For each file in folder activity and provide path
→ Inside For each in folder activity use word application scope and pass currentfile.FullName
if the activity is not available please install UiPath.Word.Activities package
→ Inside it use save document as pdf activity …with currentFile.FullName.replace(currentFile.Extension,“.pdf”)
Thank you
Welcome the the community
- Install the UiPath.Word.Activites package
- Store the path where the list of word files are stored in a string() variable.
- Use a For each loop for the path variable.
- Use word application scope for current file.
- Use Save document as pdf and provide the destination path.
there is no error but it does not work
Can you please show what you tried
Did it go into loop? if not then the folder does not contain any files mostly
actually it works but it did not change the correct one, i have a for each file activity and it will change info in each docx but when i put this pdf changer into the do of the for each file it change the original but not the updated one with recent change info using the for each file activity
Can you please explain…dint understand what you you mean by changed original but not updated
May be we can resolve if you can show or explain more
Is updated file also in the same folder? if yes it should be modified to pdf
do u have email i email u the file
Now my Outputfilepath is the updated file, but it saved to another location, how could i save it to outputfilepath location instead? I tired using outputfilepath.fullname instead but i cant
Now my Outputfilepath is the updated file, but it saved to another location, how could i save it to outputfilepath location instead? I tired using outputfilepath.fullname instead but i cant
Now my Outputfilepath is the updated file, but it saved to another location, how could i save it to outputfilepath location instead? I tired using outputfilepath.fullname instead but i cant
You need to give currentfile.fullname in the work application scope…else for each loop it would open the same file which is present in outputfilepath…
Please check the steps given above
Hope this clarifies
And outputfilepath is what kind of data? Is it a word file location again?
And if you want to save output to a different location then use as below
Here in place of folderlocationToSave give the folder where you want to save …so that the pdf file gets saved in given folder witht he same name as input…but the word application scope still should be currentfile.Fullname…else only one file will be converted always
Hope this helps
To save the updated file to the OutputFilePath
location in UiPath, use the “Move File” activity. Set the “Source” to the path of the updated file and the “Destination” to the OutputFilePath
variable. This moves the file to the desired location.
Maybe you would require to use the below Expression in File Path to Save As
property :
it kept saying this