Word Automation image positioning

Hi Guys,

I want to copy some data from multiple workbooks and create a one master file. but when I’m copying data with the images. only images are not positioned at the correct places in the word file.

I used send key option to copy all the data and paste it in the master file.

Herewith I have attached the documents which I use for the automation. I copy data from Doc 3 and paste it in the Doc 2 ( in the last point, ’ Ctrl + End key 'points you to the last point of the doc )

Kindly requesting your help on this.

I checked. After ‘Ctrl+End’ you should sent ‘Alt+I+B’ to insert page break.
Then another problem.

Your image originally wet “Wrap Text” as “Behind Text” which actually should be “Square” and it can be copied over correctly. (Need fix from original doc)

Buddy. its not working. BTW Thanks a lot for the help :slight_smile:

“Type Into” activity will do

Sorry for delay

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Hey @amnuay still its not properly pasting in the word document.

Herewith i have attached my word documents and working file.

Testing.zip (126.0 KB)

kindly requesting your help on this.

just noticed that both of your word files are with different page setup.

I pasted with special paste (Alt+e) and select “Microsoft Word Document Object” It have result as shown in a picture above.


Hey @amnuay Thanks a lot buddy. I’ll check and let you know.

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It Works perfectly. Thanks a lot buddy :slight_smile:

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Great to hear that!

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