I’m totally confused with the logic of the ReFramework. I’m currently at the first assignment when you need to extract data from the ACME System 1 and generate hash codes.
In the GetTranscationData, in the “then” section of the “if” part, I create two assigns: out_transactionItem to the proper row and out_transactionID to the proper column. Where do I increase the TransactionNumber cause the loop works infinitely.
@PrankurJoshi but it works endlessly when I try to test it. I haven’t done the SHA1 part, I’m just at the stage of extracting data. It extracts data, good, but the program doesn’t stop working.
It means it got stuck somewhere. Log messages in start and end of every workflow this will help you to pin point the error location. Can you send me the screenshot of exception?
@PrankurJoshi I don’t see any parts of the program where it increases the number I pass the “TranscationNumber” to the “in_TranscationNumber”. How is it supposed to be increased if I don’t return the current value?
that will have to depends, if hes working on assignment 1 then he has to do it manually, assignment 2 same logic for dispatcher, only the performer for assignment 2 does not need any manual increment.