Wait element vanish activity not working

As i working on web application project. When I imported the document in web it takes some time to import that time the in-progress loading pop up has overwrite from the screen. I have to wait till the pop up screen gets completed. I have used wait for element vanish activity, element exists, on element appear but it’s error out the timeout exceed.

Kindly guide me to complete the task. Recommended step by step solution. It will be very helpful for me.


@Iswarya_P1 did you try after increasing time in time out property
Increase this

I have tried delay time. Still facing the timeout exceed error issue

Delay time is another thing time out is another thing, Please give it more than that time which pop up takes to appear.

I have tried that time exceed but my importing time for each documents will differ. the first file imported within 30s but the another file importing will takes place as long duration. at the same time I have given the 60s but the process imported it will wait for 60s on that place.I don’t wait for till 60s. Once it disappear move to next process.

Kindly guide me

I suggest to you make Dynamic delay with use of While loop and Element Exist Activity.

Hi @Iswarya_P1

Try with Check App State Activity

could please provide me the step for this solution

Yes I am Providing.

Check with this

Use Element Exist Variable in both activities:
In Element Exist Select selector of that popup

@Iswarya_P1 It will wait untill unless pop up appear. after this you can click on that popup or whatever you want to do.

I want to implement the rest of the process, Once the pop screen is disabled.

I have tried the sequence mentioned above. It will not be entered into the while conditions.
The condition was false in the initial stage itself.

Could you please suggest me.?

Here is Confusion do you want process should wait until popup disappear?

yeah., I want to wait till the progress bar disappears then I move to the next process

Kindly suggest me with the solution. It will be very helpful to complete the task

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Full workflow

Yeah I changed it. It will wait untill your progress bar disappear.
I updated now. This one is correct.

Else part is Empty.

@Iswarya_P1 Any Progress?


You can use a combination of check app state and on element vanish…

  1. Use a check app state to check if the required progress bar is present…
  2. On if present side use a on element vanish activity with same progress element again…and you can give a timeout of 200 seconds or so as mac as possible…

This will ensure that if the window disappears fast it would move ahead else it would stay waiting till max timeout


Hi @Iswarya_P1

A part of using the classic activities, if you want to use the modern activities use the check app state activity to check the popup is displayed or not in the foreground in website. This check app state activity uses to check the element is appearing or not.
It have one property to give the time out to check the element.

If its not possible to use the modern activities give some delay between the UI activity and element exist activity.

Hope it helps!!