Hi all,
I have a doubt, i need to see if a particular element vanished from the screen or not.
which activity should i use for this
Hi all,
I have a doubt, i need to see if a particular element vanished from the screen or not.
which activity should i use for this
Hi @amit.234
You can use the Wait for element vanish activity, which waits to elements vanish from the screen.
Note - It is a Classic activity.
Hope it helps!!
Welcome to the community
Use check app state or wait for element to vanish…both would work
@mkankatala what property should i select in this activity
You have to indicate the element which is t be checked for vanish and use wait for element disappear
Open the Properties of Wait element vanish activity and check the WaitNotVisible option.
The activity wait untill the element is disappear from the screen. In the activity there is an indicate on screen right, indicate the element which has to be disappear.
Hope you understand!! @amit.234
can i use image vanish, that popup which should vanish is not feasible
I am getting timeout exceeded error
@Anil_G @mkankatala Please help me
Default time in UiPath as 30sec for activity so that’s why your getting timeout error, if you think the element is taking more than 30 secs to disappear you can increase the timeout
is the element present and is it vanishing?
or is it like present sometimes and not present some times
or is it taking more time to vanish?
can you show what you have?
Confirm with this @amit.234
Every time the element is appearing on the screen or it appears randomly.
The element will be vanished for every time or vanished in a certain time.
It is a popup which waits until the files get copied, the popup waits until the files are completely copied and the time depends on the file size so I cannot keep a timeout for it
Keep a very high or the maximum time you feel it takes as timeout…if you feel it takes around 10 minutes to complete…please keep the timeout as 12 minutes …so that the bot waits till that time and only then it fails…the timeout can be increased to any number as you need
Hope this helps
Okay @amit.234
=> In that case, use the retry scope activity, inside retry scope activity insert the Wait for element vanish activity in the Action block.
=> Give the element exist activity in the Condition block and indicate the screen after popup.
=> In the Properties of Retry scope Give the Number of retries as 4.
=> In the Retry Interval give 30 seconds.
If the wait element vanish activity is timed out then it will retry once more untill the After popup screen element appears.
Check the below image for better understanding.
Hope you understand!!
Just a Query will this flow work if it takes 30mins to copy the files
Based on the Time interval that you have given in the retry scope property it will wait untill the time condition. @amit.234
I tried with retry scope but it says Activity timeout exceeded
Can you show the workflow how you given in the retry scope @amit.234
In Action I have taken Wait Element Vanish - Indicated on the screen and got the selectors, number of retries I gave as 10 and Retry Interval 00:00:10
and in condition I gave element exists and gave the same selectors which I have taken for wait element vanish