I would like to share one of the problems occurred in my On-Prim UIPath Platform.
Our certificate has expired and needs to be renewed or replaced.
After the creation of new self signed certificate from IIS i started getting below problems:
Orchestrator site failed to open with below error:
{“message”:”An error has occurred.”,”errorCode”:0,”resourceIds”:null}
Robots cannot connect to the orchestrator, and if connected, below errors will be encountered:
Get Credential: You are not authenticated! Error code: 0
Cannot find some packages
The solution is easy as below :
After creation of new self signed certificate, you need to go to mmc → Local Computer → Personal certificates → find your certificate and right click on it then choose manage private keys → then add a permission for “IIS APPPOOL\Identity”
Go to “C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\Identity\appsettings.Production.json” and update the thumbprint in this file by replacing it with the one from the new self signed certificate.
After that, copy the certificate to robot servers and install it there.
I do not agree on the method of using the certificate and sharing the private keys / updating the JSON file. This seems to go against the best practice of a webserver and its configuration. I would like to understand more about the reasoning behind it.
Supposedly our certificate is a signed certificate within our environment and should not require any other actions to let it propagate to its clients. Updating the .JSON file seems a bit of manual work for a certificate that might change often. I am not too sure about the permission for the private keys.
I would like to know what is the best practice as per UiPath for updating/renewing self signed orchestrator certificates
Hi Everyone,
I hope to seek some advice on this error that i encountered when i am renewing the cert on Orchestrator. I have installed the certs on the server. But when i run the following on Powershell…
.\Platform.Configuration.Tool.ps1 -UpdateUiPathCertificate
-SiteName “UiPath Orchestrator” -NewSSLThumbprint "Thumbprint of certificate"
-NewTokenSigningThumbprint “Thumbprint of certificate”
Open C:\Program Files (x86)\UiPath\Orchestrator\Identity\appsettings.Production.json
and validate the thumbprint! is it similar to the one from the new certificate?