Change SSL certificate after using Self-sign Certificate at Orchestrator

Hi UiPath community,

I would like to clarify with you guys.

Currently i have completed the orchestrator installation using a self-sign certificate.

but right now i would like to change the SSL certificate based on my client SSL Cert provided.

is this possible after i already completed all the orchestrator installation and want to change the certificate?

would like to seek help and opinion regarding this.


You may change the certificate using Platform Configuration Tool

Before changing the certificate, don’t forget to grant full privilege to the private key to Identity AppPool user (IIS APPPOOL\Identity)


hi @anuj.dwivedi okay,i will try it first. thank you for your feedback

Hi there @anuj.dwivedi,

I’m trying to follow your instructions, but I have two questions:

  1. May I know exactly how to perform this action you mentioned " Before changing the certificate, don’t forget to grant full privilege to the private key to Identity AppPool user (IIS APPPOOL\Identity)"

  2. When I run:

.\Platform.Configuration.Tool.ps1 `
  -UpdateUiPathCertificate `
  -SiteName "<SITENAME>" `
  -NewSSLThumbprint "<NEWTHUMBPRINT>"

It keeps telling me “Orchestrator is not installed. Can not update UiPath token signing and Orchestrator SSL certificates.” But I can confirm that I’m running the command on the server where the Orchestrator is installed, I have activated the license and that I can access the Orchestrator and use it. I get the same error when I use the -Readiness argument.

Can anyone advise please?

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Hi @olliequ

Although I don’t immediately know the answer, I wanted to point out that if you own the Enterprise license you are free to contact our technical support via this form :slight_smile:

This is hysterically the most sensible answer to the question that didn’t even cross my mind. Must be because I’m working on a Sunday!

Thanks very much for the response and I shall indeed do so!

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