Unattended Bot Not Fully Working


I have an automation that runs fine when I am connected to the RDP session. If I disconnect from RDP and then schedule the bot to run from Orchestrator it fails. In this scenario it is trying to log into a website. It is able to successfully enter the username with a Set Text, but it fails for the password which is a Type Secure Text. I tested the next step after that and it failed to execute a Click activity, as well.

The Robot is set as Unattended and the UiPath Robot on the remote machine was installed as Service Mode. I also went into the Robot settings in Orchestrator and changed Login To Console to No, and updated the Resolution Width/Height to match the remote machine. None of these changes improved anything.

Is there any other settings I need to change to get this to work? Thanks.

What is the error message, that you are facing? Do you host multiple sessions on the same machine?

We don’t host multiple sessions. Below is the error message I get when I put the Type Secure Text activity inside a Try Catch.

Error {“message”:“ERROR OCCURRED AT : UiPath.UiAutomation.Activities due to : Timeout reached.”

When typing, please click “tick” simulate type.

Let me know if it works

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That worked, thank you!

Happy to be of help :smiley:

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