Timeout reached. Bot is supposed to be unattended and run at 4am daily. When not physically in the RDP bot fails


I am trying to push a bot into production. It is supposed to run daily at 4am, but my issue is that it runs perfectly when I am physically connected to the RDP. When I am not connected physically, the bot fails due to a time out error and when I try to push the bot to run manually it gives a PENDING status. Another issue is that when I see that the bot failed, and open RDP it does do the very first step and does not move forward. How can I fix this in orchestrator? Thank you in advance.

HI @RPALearner_17

Check out this thread check your RDP as like the given steps


I am new to uipath, where do I go to check the system setting? Would it be through studio?


Do You have Unattended license?

Yes I have an unattended license

It seems to connect and open the google browser, but from there it times out


Check your TAskManger → Details and check whether you have UiPath.Service.Host

if possible search for uipath and share the Screen shot.


Yes, I have that also.

Not RobotJS.ServiceHost

You dont have the Service host

So do this

  • Goto ControlPanel → Uninstall a program->Click on uipath → click on Change and reinstall the uipath ,You will be asked for installing as Community user or enterprise click on enterprise

You will be asked to select Choice of installation and Robot Installation Type

  • Your choice of installation
  • set the robot installation type as Service Mode

Try this


Are you just disconnecting from the RDP session? Don’t do that. You have to LOG OUT of the RDP session before running unattended. Orchestrator establishes the RDP session itself. If you simply disconnect you are leaving the session running, so it’s like locking the screen to the automation.

@postwick @Sudharsan_Ka I tried both of these solutions, but they do not work.

@RPALearner_17 Did you check is the screen resolution is the same both attended and in unattended

If not try this

The bot is working within the same screen, the resolution should not be the issue in this case.


@Sudharsan_Ka @postwick @ushu I have tried all of these solutions on the bot and none have worked. I am unsure on what to do at this point.

I receive an error message when trying to change to Service Mode

Can you show that? @RPALearner_17

and then provides a huge log list but I cannot seem to find the issue. I even had my admin log in and try to modify it and we got the same error.