Unable to Find and install Activities via Package Manger in Uipath 2018.1.4

Hi I’m trying to find and install UiPath.Framework.Activities. But when I’m searching for this activity in the package manager for installation, Uipath is not showing any result for Uipath Framework activities. Screenshot attached below :

What could be the possible reason for that? I’m using Uipath 2018.1.4 .

Also, I’m getting the below error messages when I’m trying to Install below to activities :

1. uiPath.System.Activities: Unable to resolve dependency ‘Microsoft.Rest.CIientRuntime >_ 2.3.10’.

2. uiPath.UIAutomation.Activities : Unable to resolve dependency ‘AvalonEdit( >_ 5.0.3)’.

please advice on how can I solve the above issues.

Thank you

Reinstall and try

Update your studio to 18.3

It’s not that easy .I’m using enterprise version.

Hi @RishiVC1

You should not try to install the packages that have this line in the description:
This package requires Studio 2018.3.0 or above

Those are the ones that cause those errors.

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Thank you , what could be the reason for first issue ? My team mates who are on same version they are able to see and install the package .

I am coming with the solution :slight_smile:
Some packages are no longer available (UiPath.V7.Activities, UiPath.Platform.Activities, UiPath.Framework.Activities) and this is why the error occurs.

However, see this guide on how to bring the project back to life :slight_smile:


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