Unable to create trigger


I wanted to run a process using the unattended robot, when I run it manually through the orchestrator, without login to the server, the process is run successfully. And if not mistaken, this prove that the process can run in unattended.

However, I am not able to create the trigger as I am not able to choose the specific robot. There is nothing to choose in the specific robot’s area.

PS: I only have the unattended robot.

And my studio contains the message - “detected unattended robot as the license type. based on the terms and conditions this license should only be used for troubleshooting purposes”

Why I am not able to create the trigger? Is is due to the license?

Thank you.

You can create triggers from processes in the orchestrator which automatically trigger the process to run in unattended mode. You can’t trigger the bot from the robot in the orchestrator directly.
We have time trigger and queue trigger

I trigger it at the trigger page there.

And is able to select the process, but it shows that no data to show when I wanted to select a specific robot.

And the problems is I can run the process by start a job and select the unattended robot (The unattended robot is connected to the machine)

Another possible is I using the hardware events for my workflow. But I thinks this is not the reasons as the “start process” is run successfully.

Select allocate dynamically option,it will automatically take the robot in runtime

Cause I have 2 robot in the folder, and each robot have it’s own server. And I just want it to process in a specific server.


As per checked, the environment is added.

And I also saw this post

And thinking is this the reasons as my studio also shows the wording, and I developed and published it through the studio.