UiRobotSvc is not working


I have an issue regarding robot services.
The robot is running on a system tray. But in Services.msc UiRobotSvc service is not running.
Even not display in services.msc.

I had tried to quit Robot and again execute UiRobot through Run as Administrator in Services.msc not start UiRobotSvc service.

Is there any other solution for running UiRobotSvc service?

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Are you using Community or Enterprise Edition ?

Thanks @lakshman,

I’m using community edition.

I tried to execute job from orchestrator but robot is not execute job. On orchestrator Jobs panel I see only Process is in Pending state.


For community edition, you can’t find any robot service under services.msc

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Then Can you please help me regarding, Execute job from orchestrator but a robot is not executing a job. On orchestrator Jobs panel I see only Process is in Pending state. Even my robot is connected with the orchestrator.

Can you please help me regarding Process does not execute on a machine from the orchestrator.

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Could you please share the screen shot of your robots page in Orchestrator ?

Have you properly configured connection between robot and orchestrator ?

Robot page,

Robot setting,

UiRobot On machine,


Everything looks fine. Could you please tell me the steps you followed when provisioning the robot in orchestrator.

And also once restart the system and see once.


  1. I create a robot on orchestrator.
  2. Create a new environment and assign robot in the environment.
  3. Connect robot on the orchestrator.
  4. Publish a project on the orchestrator.
  5. Assign environment to the published process.
  6. Start the process through orchestrator.

@sams - Please verify the username in Orchestrator under robots page. You need to pass domian\username.
You can try below to get extact username :
Open Command Prompt and run “whoami” .
Copy the same name and paste in Orchestrator.

Buddy @sams

you were actually going good
kindly look at this topic and this issue got resolved buddy


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Thanks @mahesh.kumar and @Palaniyappan,

Its working

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Cheers buddy @sams

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