UiRobot not running the same as it runs on Uipath Studio on Local Machine

When i publish the robot on the orchaster and runs that process on uiRobot in my machine it does not run the process same as it used to run on the UiPath Studio.
Can Anybody tell me how to solve this issue.


May I know what error are you getting here if you running from Robot system tray ?

@lakshman I am not getting an error. But the bot which i created on Studio does not runs with latest changes done to it. New changes are not being implemented in the robot which i have published on the orchestrator. I have even updated the changes on the orchestrator for that process. Even that updated changes are not shown in the UiRobot.

Hi @Jatin_Kamboj,

you need to publish it again from the studio and update their package version in orchestrator.

@samir Yes i Did that Too. But it runs the same.

hi ,

In UiRobot , are you getting this update button, when you upload a new package to orchestrator ?


You can Try updating it , if not updated…


@mukeshkala I am not getting this update icon on my UiRobot.

when we Hover over the project Name , we get the version of the Nudget.

Can you verify this version with the orchestrator version ?


@lakshman @mukeshkala @samir


If i update the robot on the orchestrator i recieve no update on the UIRobot. That’s the problem i am suffering from.

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Are you connected to the correct orchestrator ?

can you verify from the settings - or try reconnecting to the orchestator …


Yes i am connecter to the orchastrater . The new publish bot changes are also available on the orchastrater but if i update that changes that are not recieved on the UiRobot.

Hi @Jatin_Kamboj

Please try the below :

  1. Go to the Processes under the Automations Tab - Click on the Plus Button and add the process here.

  2. Make sure you have created an environment.

  3. Select - Package, version and Environment.

4.The Process now should be available in Tray


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Kindly click on the refresh button here in the robot tray at the top right corner once after updating the package version in your orchestrator
And also ensure that we are referring to right machine
Even if it is correct kindly run once from your orchestrator through the machine tagged with that robot and then check with your robot tray … you will be able to see that process in robot tra
Cheers @Jatin_Kamboj