I have a question, I wanna run a robot locally. what I did: I published my project and I runned from UiRobot but doesn’t work as I was expecting. Probably I should learn a bit more about that. but anyways I will ask If somebody could give me a light.
My robot read an excel and then do some tasks, at the end must to update that excel. So If I run this from Uipath studio I can see the updated excel, but If I run from Uirobot my excel is not updated. or probably it is but I can’t see it.
What I understand about that…maybe I’m wrong …if I published my project is like all the project is put inside a box right? the excel actually is inside the folder’s project. So I guess that the excel is updated insided that box, What should I do to see the last updated excel whn I run the project from Uirobot?
Facing similar issue, can anyone explain how to check Versions of studio and robot using cmd prompt?
I got instructions as our client is having robot as enterprised licenced and studio as community is it possible to have so?