Robot problem

I published my project it shows in UiRobot but when I pressed start button it started and quickly closes. It dosent run my project .I have created one environment in orchestrator but due to license unavailable it is not creating any robot. So is it Orchestrator problem or Ui Robot?

Just enter the ROBOT key and the url, and Run the bot

Make sure that the license is correct should be Non-Production (I believe), possibly Development.

Are you using or are you on an enterprise environment?


i dont have license so is still robot work?

Configure your orchestrator with uipath studio.


give the bot key created and the URL Studio

@Sharanabasava I am aware about setting but while provisioning on orchestrator it shows :

" No available licenses: the number of new machine slots would exceed the total license count."

no, we can’t run the robot

so i need license right?


thank you